
A no-nonsense, fully configurable Rails payment vendor gem

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A no-nonsense, fully configurable Rails credit card/payment vendor gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'so_paid'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install so_paid


See examples folder for instructions and copy/pastable files. More will be added here when time is available (...rare).

To easily implement a working payment process using this gem, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Create your config/initializers/so_paid.rb file to support the default parameters you would like to use:
  • The required defaults are already populated for you, but if additional cybersource api signed fields are desired, make sure to add the desired field to BOTH the signed_field_names array, and the live/test hash, respectively, otherwise, it will be excluded. (see example)
  1. Pick the controller action you would like to use (ex: payments_controller.rb 'confirm' action) to set up the post request to cybersource, and utilize one of these example code snippets (or customize your own):
  # The args for vendor instantiation are the order object ( or nil ), additional api fields (vendor_options) hash, and the config_options hash.
  @payment_vendor = SoPaid.vendor.new(@order, {:payment_token_comments=>@payment.comments}, {})
  # Notice I have added an additional api field at run time, which requires me 
  # to either add this specific field to the signed_field_names 
  # array in the initializer, OR add it here as well.
  @payment_vendor = SoPaid.vendor(:cybersource).new(@order, {}, {:use_post_url=>:iframe})
  # Notice I have explicitly passed :cybersource as the vendor I desire to use. 
  # This is not required, as seen in the first example. If you have made only 
  # one vendor available in the initializer, then it conveniently defaults to 
  # that single one. (This feature will be benificial when supporting multitenancy 
  # and potentially multiple desired vendors in one app).
  # Also notice :use_post_url=>:iframe is passed in the config hash, 
  # which in this case switches the post url to the desired 
  # cybersource iframe url, instead of the webmobile url.
  @payment_vendor = SoPaid.vendor.new(nil, {:payment_token_comments=>CartItem.description(@user.cart_items), :amount=>@template.number_with_precision(@cart_total,2), :reference_number=>r_num, :transaction_uuid=>"sun_"+ r_num, :merchant_defined_data99=>@user.id.to_s}, {:current_user=>@user})
  # Here is an extremely explicit example. As a developer, sometimes we have to 
  # deal with legacy programs, and this gem supports those dirty cases. In this 
  # legacy application's example snippet, no order object is actually created before 
  # the order, even though cybersource desires a unique order identification number, 
  # known as the transaction_uuid. So, nil is pass as the order object, and the needed 
  # api fields that are normally 'pulled' from this object are explicitly passed in to 
  # the vendor_options to accommodate these required fields. Also, the current_user is 
  # passed into the config_options hash in order to determine whether or not that user 
  # has the test_user_email, dynamically sets the 'mode' to 'test.' (normally, the user 
  # is acquired by the order (user.order), because orders normally belong to users, 
  # but in this case, there was no order object to begin with).
  1. create your view for the chosen action above, ex: views/payments/confirm.html.erb:
<form action="<%=@payment_vendor.hop_url%>" method="post" id="pv-form">
  <% @payment_vendor.generate_params.each_pair do |key, value| %>
    <input type="hidden" name="<%=key%>" value="<%=value%>" >
  1. Lastly, choose the action that cybersource will make a post request to in your application and utilize this snippet to validate the signature of the request:

Currently supported payment vendors:

  1. cybersource
  1. no more yet...

Call To LeadTM

Want to make this gem more awesome? Even though everything works, maybe you have some good ideas that you want incorporated, whether it be performance-wise, or extension-wise. Hense, the following list is for you to easily view and will be ammended for large ideas.

The ListTM:

  1. Support for paypal.
  2. Support for stripe (wrapping the gem that already exists).


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request