
an attempt to create a universal basic set of presentation slides to help teach basic concepts at Cryptoparties.

CryptoParty Slides


An attempt to create a universal basic set of presentation slides to help teach basic conepts at Cryptoparties.


We are trying to follow a convention to make navigation easier:


Producing slide shows with Pandoc

$ cd /slides/intro/en/
$ pandoc -t slidy -s intro.md -o intro.html
$ cd /slides/otr/en/
$ pandoc -t slidy -s otr.md -o otr.html
$ cd /slides/risk/en/
$ pandoc -t slidy -s risk.md -o risk.html

This produces an HTML + javascript slide presentation that can be viewed via a web browser.

More information here http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#producing-slide-shows-with-pandoc