
One script to install latest Archlinux on your USB flash drive which will turn your steamlinux into a fully functional linux machine without changing your steamlinux!

Primary LanguageShell


Create Archlinux boot medium for steamlink with one script! Archlinux with linux 5.4.24


  1. Run boot_device_creator.sh from bash(terminal)
  2. Create steamlink/config/system/enable_ssh.txt and write true in the .txt file for enabling ssh.

Be careful while specifying device addresses as the script WILL wipe all of data of that device. Any data lost or any harm done is your own responsibility.

Default passwords:

Default user

User: alarm password: alarm

Root user

User: root password: root


Based on https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam_Link/comments/fgew5x/running_archlinux_on_steam_link_revisited/