
Port of the django-tutorial-extended demo to FastAPI.

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FastAPI Tutorial Extended

A FastAPI implementation of the official Django tutorial, extended for PyCharm demo uses.


  • Python 3.10+
  • NodeJS


  • Clone this repo and go to the directory.
  • python -m venv .venv
  • .venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
  • .venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  • npm install
  • npm build
  • npm css
  • Open PyCharm Professional
  • Enable Prettier and Black support to run on save
  • Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Node.js and check Coding assistance...
  • Mark directories
    • dist as Excluded
    • tests as Test
    • templates as Templates
    • static as Static resources
  • Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Template Languages, enable Jinja2
  • Make a FastAPI run configuration
    • Application file as polls/app.py
    • Uvicorn options as --reload --port 8080
  • Visit and click Questions for the server HTML
  • Go to package.json and run the dev script for the React frontend
    • Then click the URL in the run output
  • Double-click on database.db to connect to SQLite
    • Install the drivers if needed

Important note: Some features expect the database to have the seed content. Before demos, stop the server and delete database.db, then restart.

Main Demo

We're going to talk about the "I" in "IDE".

Project Setup

  • PyCharm eliminates some cumbersome setup steps
  • Show that you could use PyCharm's bundled FastAPI template in New Project
    • Makes and sets a virtual env
    • Installs FastAPI into it
    • Makes a sample FastAPI project
    • Creates run configuration

Running/Debugging FastAPI Server

  • Shift-Shift tem/bas to open templates/base.html
  • Run the FastAPI Server run configuration
  • Click on link in the run window
  • Navigate to Questions
    • Delete the img with PyCharm.svg
    • Save
    • Reload browser
    • See that FastAPI restarts the process
  • Run server under the debugger, not a big speed hit
    • Stop the running server
    • Restart it with the debugger
    • Set breakpoint in:
      • polls.router.read_questions_html
      • Also in templates/questions.html
        • Inside {% for question in questions %}
    • Reload the page at /question/
    • Show stepping through Python and Jinja2
    • Clear the breakpoints and resume


  • Double-click on database.db
  • Browse to question table
  • Double-click to open it
  • Normal DataGrip demo stuff


  • Make sure FastAPI server is running
  • Open endpoints tool and show the discovered endpoints
    • Click fourth endpoint /v1/question/ GET
      • Run the HTTP Client to test it
  • Shift-Shift question_id and click the Endpoints tab
  • Open static/site.js and show autocomplete of URL

SPA Frontend

  • Go to package.json and run start script
  • Click the link
  • Option-Cmd-O to Navigate to Symbol App
  • Remove the import of Index
  • Autocomplete the usage and show the import, then navigate to it
  • Go to className and start adding ca-a
  • Hover over the second choice (the Tailwind one) to preview the Tailwind class
  • Escape to not add it
  • Right-click on src and choose Run tests to see Vitest testing
  • Double-click the first test to open
  • Change 3 to 2
  • Click gutter icon to run just that test
  • Mouse-over the .length assertion to see inlay with error info
  • Set a breakpoint on that line
  • Run test under the debugger


  • Right-click on tests directory and choose Run
  • Double-click on test_read_questions_json and set a breakpoint on data = line
  • Click gutter icon to debug that one test
  • Remove breakpoint
  • Click continue
  • Open polls.router.read_questions
  • Set a breakpoint on questions =
  • Re-run test under debugger
  • Step over and see what is returned

HTTP Files

  • With server running NOT in debug
  • Open run-apis.http
  • Click the >> green arrows at top to run all the tests
  • Open polls.router.read_questions
  • Set a breakpoint on questions =
  • Stop the server and run it under the debugger
  • Click the >> green arrows
  • Execution stops on that route

External Tools (Prettier, Black)

  • Show the settings/preferences that configure both
  • Make a change in some Python and save, showing that it reformats
  • Same in App.jsx


  • Normal Dockerfile stuff