
Python template scripts I've collated over time.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Templates

Python template scripts I've collated over time, as described below.

Folder Description
1_generic_templates Generic template python scripts
2_data_related_templates Data-related python scripts, e.g. containing standardised code for DB/API calls
3_other_templates Collection of templates that aren't generic or data-related!

Python Style Guide

Throughout the template scripts developed, the following style guide of do’s and don’ts for Python development has been used, covering the following main areas:

  1. Naming Conventions
  2. Code Layout
  3. String Formatting: Use f-strings
  4. Function and Method Definitions
  5. Comments and Docstrings
  6. Error Handling
  7. General Guidelines

ℹ️ Summary: Use Python Linters and Automatters to Facilitate Coding Standards

- Implementing the below styles/coding standards requires proactive efforts from end users.
- I recommend teams use linters and code autoformatters to maintain code quality and standardised formatting.
- For more information, see <TODO - link here>

1. Naming Conventions

1.1. Case Styles, Per-Python Object

In summary:

  1. Use snake_case for all module, package, function, and variable names.
  2. Use CamelCase for classes.
  3. Use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants.

What is snake_case? Expand the menu below for more details.

Expand for details

snake_case combines words by replacing each space with an underscore (_), and all letters are lowercase, as follows:

Raw: user login count

Snake case: user_login_count

  • The following link explains the differences between different case styles.
  • One of the benefits of snake_case is that many of the allowed characters are compatible across S3 and Snowflake.

Case Style Specification

Expand for details
Related to Naming Convention Example
1. Module names snake_case (i.e., lowercase_with_underscores) lowercase_with_underscores.py
2. Package names snake_case lowercase_with_underscores
3. Class names CamelCase ExampleClass
4. Function and method names snake_case def example_function():
5. Variable names snake_case working_dir = os.getcwd()

1.2. Avoid Abbreviations

  • Function names, variables, and filenames should all be meaningful, descriptive, and eschew abbreviations.

    For example (click to expand) Good:
    def load_customer_data():


    def load_data():
  • Don't use abbreviations that are ambiguous to readers outside your projects.

  • Don't abbreviate by deleting letters within a word.

2. Code Layout

2.1. General

PEP 8 is the official style guide for Python code. It provides a set of conventions for writing readable and consistent code. As such, we should use its main high-level code layout recommendations, listed below:

  • Using four spaces for indentation
  • Limiting lines to 79 characters
  • Using blank lines to separate functions and classes

Expand the menu below for further details on these (including examples).

Example (click to expand)


Description Example
Use four spaces for indentation (i.e., avoid tabs.) N/A

Line length

Description Example
Limit lines to a maximum of 79 characters. N/A

Whitespace: imports, classes, and functions

Description Example
Use a newline after imports and before the class or function definition. Expand menu below
Example (click to expand)


import os

from requests import HTTPError

def example_function():


import os

from requests import HTTPError
def example_function():

Whitespace: methods and classes

Description Example
Separate methods and classes with two blank lines. Expand menu below
Example (click to expand)


import os

from requests import HTTPError

def example_function():


import os

from requests import HTTPError
def example_function():

Whitespace: operators and commas

Description Example
Use a single space around operators and after commas. Expand menu below
Example (click to expand)


return sharepoint.get_site(host, 'sites/' + site_name.replace(" ", ""))


return sharepoint.get_site(host,'sites/'+site_name.replace(" ", ""))

Whitespace: code readability

Description Example
Code MUST be spaced logically to maintain readability. Expand menu below
Example (click to expand)


# Pipeline parameters
src_bucket = self.s3_bucket_src
logging.info(fsource_bucket = {src_bucket}”)

target_bucket = self.s3_bucket_target
logging.info(ftarget_bucket = {target_bucket}”)


# Pipeline parameters
src_bucket = self.s3_bucket_src
logging.info(fsource_bucket = {src_bucket}”)
target_bucket = self.s3_bucket_target
logging.info(ftarget_bucket = {target_bucket}”)

2.2. Imports

  • Import modules on separate lines.
  • Use absolute imports whenever possible.
  • Avoid wildcard imports (from module import *).
  • Place imports in the following order: standard library modules, third-party modules, and local modules.

For further details (with examples), expand the menu below.

Click to expand
Description Example
Import modules on separate lines. Expand menu below
Click to expand


import os
import re


import os, re
Description Example
Use absolute imports whenever possible. Expand menu below
Click to expand


from package2.subpackage1.module5 import function2


from .subpackage1.module5 import function2
Description Example
Avoid wildcard imports (from module import *) Expand menu below
Click to expand


from math import ceil


from math import *
Description Example
Place imports in the following order:
1. standard library modules,
2. third-party modules,
3. and local modules.
Expand menu below
Click to expand


import os # standard modules
import boto3 # third-party modules
import my_local_module # local modules


import boto3 # third-party modules
import my_local_module # local modules
import os # standard modules

3. String Formatting: Use f-strings

  • f-strings should be used where possible. They provide a clean way to format strings.
  • Avoid using str().format.
  • Detailed examples of f-strings in action can be found here.

4. Function and Method Definitions

  • Use type declarations for method arguments and return values.

    Click to expand


    def get_secret_by_name(secret_name: str) -> str:
    secret = <code here>
    return secret


    def get_secret_by_name(secret_name):
    secret = <code here>
    return s
  • Place default arguments at the end of the argument list.

    Click to expand


    def student(firstname, lastname ='Mark', standard ='Fifth'):


    def student(lastname ='Mark', standard ='Fifth', firstname):
  • Define function parameters without spaces around the equals sign.

    Click to expand Good
    func(1, 2, axis='x', angle=90, size=450, name='foo bar')


    func(1, 2, axis = 'x', angle = 90, size = 450, name = 'foo bar')
  • Use a single space after the comma in function definitions.

    Click to expand


    func(1, 2, axis='x', angle=90, size=450, name='foo bar')


    func(1,2,axis='x',angle=90,size=450,name='foo bar')

5. Comments and Docstrings


  • Use inline comments sparingly and keep them concise.
  • Use docstrings to document modules, classes, methods, and functions.
  • Write clear, self-explanatory code and minimize the need for comments.

Don't Capture Change History/Log

Expand for more details
  • The change history SHOULD NOT be stored in the code itself.
  • Manually maintaining the change history in the code itself is unreliable, as it doesn't show the actual change that has occurred and isn't enforceable.
    • The change history is captured by the version control system (e.g., Git) for each commit that's occurred. All changes that are pushed to development and production are captured, and diffs between those changes are available.
  • An example of the anti-pattern that SHOULD NOT be used:
# Created by: Joe Bloggs
# Date: 01-01-2021
# Purpose: Eg transformation script

# Change log
# Date: 02-01-2021
# Change Made By: Donald Duck
# Change Description: Small change to JSON file read in

5.2. Docstring

All functions should start with a Docstring, explaining the function, what it does, and why.

DocString Format: Use reST

Use the reST (restructuredText) Docstring format.

What is the reST (restructuredText) Docstring format?

Expand the menu below for more details.

Click to expand One of the most prevalent Docstring formats today is reST (restructuredText). Shown below are the main components of the reST Docstring format:
:param [ParamName]: [ParamDescription], defaults to [DefaultParamVal]
:type [ParamName]: [ParamType](, optional)
:raises [ErrorType]: [ErrorDescription]
:return: [ReturnDescription]
:rtype: [ReturnType]
  • For an overview of the reST Docstring format, see here.
  • The main components of the reST Docstring format are described below.

6. Error Handling

  • Prefer specific exceptions over catching all exceptions (except Exception:).
  • Use try-except-else blocks when possible.
  • Use finally blocks sparingly and only when necessary.

7. General Guidelines

  • Failing all of the above, follow the PEP 8 guidelines for conventions not covered here.
  • For additional inspiration, refer to the Google Python style guide for great examples of do's and don'ts on writing clean Python code.
  • Remember, consistency is key when it comes to style guides. Following the established style within a project or organization is essential to maintain code readability and maintainability. cd