
Grist documentation and help center articles

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Grist Help Center

Repository for Grist documentation and tutorials.

Where are the docs published?

The public site is at https://support.getgrist.com/, served using GitHub Pages.

The content is hosted at https://github.com/dsagal/grist-help/. On changes to master (such as when a pull request is merged), the public site gets automatically republished.

Previews of pull requests are automatically built by Netlify, and made available at URLs such as https://deploy-preview-153--grist-help-preview.netlify.app/. These are shown in the PR Conversation tab.

Setting up local environment

python3 -m venv env
./env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./env/bin/mkdocs serve

Then visit http://localhost:8000/ to preview documentation. All the articles, as well as static files, are under /help subdirectory. While mkdocs serve is running, you may make changes there, and the open page will refresh to show the changes.

While mkdocs serve is running, you can run ./check_links.sh to check for broken links in the site. It will print out a lot of chatter, then if there are broken links, conclude with a section like this:

Found 5 broken links.


FINISHED --2020-03-13 10:38:07--
Total wall clock time: 1.3s
Downloaded: 36 files, 2.0M in 0.009s (226 MB/s)

Publishing for preview

This is now automatically done by Netlify. Whenever you create a pull request, Netlify will build the site from your branch, and make it available at a URL like https://deploy-preview-153--grist-help-preview.netlify.app/. A link is placed into the Conversation tab of the pull request.

Any further pushes to this branch will cause the site to update. It may take Netlify a few minutes to notice the push, and takes about a minute more to rebuild the preview site.

Publishing changes live

This is now automatically done by GitHub Actions, whenever a commit is made to master, or a pull request is merged into master. You can see the history of these builds here: Publish Live workflow.

Editing the API

The API is documented in api/grist.yml. When editing this file, you can watch changes at http://localhost:9090 by running:


Once you're done, add the results to the main documentation with:


Updating function reference

To update help/functions.md from the documentation comments in Grist, run:

./build-functions.sh <path-to-grist-checkout>

It replaces content between BEGIN mkpydocs/END mkpydocs markers in help/functions.md. You can edit text outside of those markers directly.

Updating plugin API reference

To update help/code from the documentation comments in Grist, run:

./build-plugin-api.sh <path-to-grist-checkout>

You need to first run yarn install in your Grist checkout directory.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.