
Product: Integrating Common SaaS Applications

Primary LanguageRuby


Integrating every business application

Getting Started

Adding in Docker support which will hopefully make it easier for you guys to get started.

If you aren't familier with Docker it is a container technology that lets you quickly deploys apps. You can checkout a 5 minute intro here: Docker in 5 Minutes

You can download the Docker Toolbox to get started. Once you have docker intalled you should be able to make a machine, and start the app by doing:

docker-compose up

This will look at docker-compose.yml and bring up 2 services: the rails app and a postgres database. You will need to create and run database migrations by doing this:

docker-compose run web rake db:create db:migrate

I have brought in Devise and Omniauth for authentication and API access. I have added Stripe and Quickbooks integrations as well. We should start with Stripe, Quickbooks still needs some work.


We manage configs in the .env file. You will need to fill in the blanks with our tokens from stripe and quickbooks. These shouldn't be checked in to git- they are dependent on the environment. Development and Production will use different tokens.