
Wrapper project for invoking the SourceClear Scanner

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SourceClear Invoker

This project is designed to project a simple wrapper around the existing SourceClear command line in order to provide the ability to parse the results and output a configurable JUnit pass/fail test. This can then be used as part of a pipeline in order to verify source repositories and final deliverables.


  • glide: brew install glide on macOS, check here for installation instructions on other platforms
  • srcclr:
    • Linux: SourceClear should be installed via its rpm (it should check for that). The yum repo for that is:
  • macOS: with homebrew - brew install srcclr


Currently this project will build a jar-with-dependencies although this is primarily aimed at local testing only. It provides a simplified interface to SourceClear e.g.

Usage: SrcClrWrapper [-dehV] [--email-address=<emailAddress>]
                     [--email-server=<emailServer>] [-c=<product>]
                     [--processor=<processor>] [-t=<threshold>] [COMMAND]
Wrap SourceClear and invoke it.
                         Comma separated list of email addresses to notify. Domain portion of
                         first will be used as FROM address
                         SMTP Server to use to send notification email
  -p, --product=<product>    Product Name
  -v, --product-version=<version>   Version of the product
  --memory               Memory allocation for the forked process. If not set will default to the current VM size.
  --package=<subpackage> CPE Subpackage Name
  --trace                Enables trace logging from SourceClear. Disables JSON output.
  --log                  Directory path to output log file containing results. Defaults to 'target'. Set to empty to disable.
  --json                 Directory path to output processed JSON as a file. Defaults to 'target'. Set to empty to disable.
  -d, --debug            Enable debug.
  -e, --exception        Throw exception on vulnerabilities found.
  -h, --help             Show this help message and exit.
                         Processor to use to analyse SourceClear results. Default is
  --profile=<profile>   Profile for VeraCode scanning. Defaults to empty
                            (default profile).
  -t, --threshold=<threshold>
                         Threshold on which exception is thrown. Only used with CVSS
  -V           Print version information and exit.

Usage: SrcClrWrapper scm [-dehV] [--ref=REF] --url=URL [-t=<threshold>]
Scan a SCM URL
      --ref=REF     the SCM reference (e.g. git sha, tag)
      --url=URL     the SCM url
  -d, --debug       Enable debug.
  -e, --exception   Throw exception on vulnerabilities found.
  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit.
  -t, --threshold=<threshold>
                    Threshold on which exception is thrown.
  -V    Print version information and exit.
  --maven-param     Extra Maven parameters

Note : for the SCM --url parameter both . and file:// URLs are supported to scan the local filesystem.

Usage: SrcClrWrapper binary [-dehV] --name=NAME --url=URL
Scan a remote binary
      --url=URL     the remote file url
  -d, --debug       Enable debug.
  -e, --exception   Throw exception on vulnerabilities found.
  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit.
  -t, --threshold=<threshold>
                    Threshold on which exception is thrown.
  -V     Print version information and exit.

Its main use is to be ran inside Jenkins as a JUnit test suite e.g.

mvn -Dmaven.buildNumber.skip=true -Pjenkins clean test  '-DargLine=-Dsourceclear="--product-version=1.0.0 -p=koji-build-finder scm --url=https://github.com/release-engineering/koji-build-finder.git --ref=koji-build-finder-1.0.0"'


  • It supports reading a configuration from the command or from $HOME/.srcclr/invoker.properties.
  • It can send a notification email to a specified email address with a summary of any problems found.
  • It can examine either the CVSS score returned from SourceClear or examine the CVE identifier and then query the results using the CPE (product name) against the Red Hat Security Data API ( https://access.redhat.com/labs/securitydataapi/ )
  • Sample Jenkins jobs are provided in the jenkins directory.


Currently the code requires the product name and version to be passed in. It will assemble a CPE from that information. While we did consider using the CPE parser library but due to the fact we are not currently parsing or comparing CPEs the extra library isn't required.