
Home automation system L.I.S.A. http://mylisabox.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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Home automation system L.I.S.A. http://mylisabox.com



To run the project you need to do multiple things:

1) Retrieve the project

  • git clone https://github.com/mylisabox/lisa-box.git
  • yarn //or npm i
  • For some functionality L.I.S.A. need some linux module already installed, please check install.sh and install what's missing for you

2) Initialize plugins

For now no UI or way to install plugins, you have to do it manually, for that clone or copy plugins project you want under /plugins, if plugins need dependencies don't `forget to yarn/npm them.

After that you need to enable plugins on database in order to them to be loaded, you have an example on config/bootstrap.js on how to do this (at the bottom, the commented part).

3) Setup voice recognition

Voice recognition work in 2 phases thanks to the sonus module:

  • First offline recognition of the hotwords "Hey lisa", nothing to do here it should work
  • Then the next part use Google Speech API to recognize the voice command, Google API need a config file to work. This file should be under /config/speech/LISA-gfile.json, to create this file please follow those steps and copy/paste/rename the file in the correct place.

4) Run the project


A basic VM can be automaticly provisioned for development purposes using Vagrant.

Using vagrant you can run L.I.S.A on any machine which supports virtualisation. (windows/OSX/linux/etc).


  • Vagrant
  • Virtualbox
  • git


git clone https://github.com/mylisabox/lisa-box.git
cd lisa-box
vagrant up

Running L.I.S.A

vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant && yarn start"

See Vagrant documentation for more information using vagrant.


There multiple template available for notifications. Here there are :

  • Basic with left image, title and message
  • Basic with right button
  • Basic with two right button


We love contributions! Please see our Contribution Guide for more information.

