
Some changes I made to Christian Bach's tablesorter jQuery plugin.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This at the moment just contains a couple of changes I made to Christian Bach's tablesorter jQuery plugin.

I made these changes a long time ago, there are some comments in the code.

I don't want to go back and figure out what I was doing, but here are a couple of snippets from the Rails app I was using it in.  No guarantees on the usefulness or well-writtenness of this.

From a controller:

def rjs_row(instance)
  row_identifier = resource_name + '_' + instance.id.to_s
  js_emit = "jQuery('#table_#{resources_name}').trigger('injectRow', jQuery('##{row_identifier}'));" + 
      "jQuery('##{row_identifier}').effect('pulsate',{times:1},250);" +
      "jQuery('#table_#{resources_name}').trigger('sorton');" #+
      # "jQuery('#flash_notice').load('/admin/show_flash');"
  rjs_flash flash[:notice]
      {row_identifier => ['row', instance, {:inner => true}]}))

# ...where the rjs_raw, rjs_flash, @html_replacements, etc., are all setting things up for a big render :update afterwards.

def rjs_update
  object = resources_name
  render :update do |page|
    for div_name, partial_name in @html_replacements
      if partial_name.class == Array
        page.replace_html div_name, :partial => partial_name[0], :object => partial_name[1],
            :locals => partial_name[2]
        page.replace_html div_name, :partial => partial_name, :object => object
    for js in @raw_js
      page << js

A partial that defines a couple of other things

# This sets up a table to be sortable.
# The assumption is that the object for this partial is the objects_name
# If default_sort is passed in, it will be used.  It should be a string representing a Javascript array,
# e.g., [[0,0],[1,1]] to sort ascending on the first column and then descending on the second.
# If an array is passed in as the local live_filter, it will be used to determine which columns are live-sorted.
# By default, it is [1,2]. 1 is the second column, generally the one after Edit.
# It is important that if the paginator is not rendered that the pagerfilter option not be used here
# Send skip_paginate in as true if we're skipping the paginator
# This uses:
# http://tablesorter.com/docs/
table_id ||= 'table_' + admin_sort_table
pager_id ||= 'pager_' + admin_sort_table
skip_paginate ||= false
default_sort ||= nil
focus_id ||= nil
if defined?(live_filter) && !live_filter.nil? && live_filter.class == Array
	filter_col = '[' + live_filter.join(',') + ']'
	filter_col = '[1,2]'
js_emit_pagerfilter = <<EOF
}).tablesorterPagerFilter({	// uses a modified tablesorterPager to add filtering capability
	container: jQuery("##{pager_id}"),
	filterCol: #{filter_col},
	#{focus_id ? "focus: '#{focus_id}'," : ''}
	positionFixed: false
js_emit = <<EOF
// add a texty metadata parser (built in one is numeric)
//jQuery(document).ready(function() {
	    id: 'metatext', 
	    is: function(s) { 
	        return false; 
	    format: function(s,table,cell) { 
				var c = table.config, p = (!c.parserMetadataName) ? 'sortValue' : c.parserMetadataName;
		        return jQuery(cell).metadata()[p];
	    type: 'text'
	// add a modified zebra that will ignore rows marked as "dezebra".
		id: "zebraph",
		format: function(table) {
			if(table.config.debug) { var time = new Date(); }
			if(table.config.debug) { jQuery.tablesorter.benchmark("Applying Zebraph widget", time); }
			debug: true,
			widthFixed: true,
			#{default_sort ? "sortList: #{default_sort}," : ''}
			widgets: ['zebraph']
#{skip_paginate ? '' : js_emit_pagerfilter}
<%= javascript_tag js_emit %>