
Accessible, fuzzy search typeahead component

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT



Accessible, fuzzy search typeahead component.

This component uses the lightweight fuzzy library for client-side, fuzzy search and follows WAI-ARIA guidelines.

Try it in the Svelte REPL.


yarn add -D svelte-typeahead
# OR
npm i -D svelte-typeahead


svelte-search is used as the underlying search input component. $$restProps are forwarded to svelte-search.


Note: this component is minimally styled by design. You can target the component using the [data-svelte-typeahead] selector.

:global([data-svelte-typeahead]) {
  margin: 1rem;


Pass an array of objects to the data prop. Use the extractor to specify the key value to search on.

  import Typeahead from "svelte-typeahead";

  const data = [
    { id: 0, state: "California" },
    { id: 1, state: "North Carolina" },
    { id: 2, state: "North Dakota" },
    { id: 3, state: "South Carolina" },
    { id: 4, state: "South Dakota" },
    { id: 5, state: "Michigan" },
    { id: 6, state: "Tennessee" },
    { id: 7, state: "Nevada" },
    { id: 8, state: "New Hampshire" },
    { id: 9, state: "New Jersey" },

  const extract = (item) => item.state;

<Typeahead {data} {extract} />

Custom-styled results

By default, this component uses the fuzzy library to highlight matching characters with the mark element.

Use a slot to render custom results.

<Typeahead {data} {extract} let:result let:index>
  <div style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">
    {@html result.string}

Limit the number of results

Use the limit prop to specify the maximum number of results to display. The default limit is Infinity.

<Typeahead limit={2} {data} {extract} />

Disable and filter items

Use the filter to filter Items out and disable to disable them in the result set.

Example for disabling and filtering items by their title length:

  const disable = (item) => item.state.length > 4;
  const filter = (item) => item.state.length > 8;

<Typeahead {data} extract={(item) => item.state} {disable} {filter} />

Example for disabling items after selecting them:

  function handleSelect(e) {
    let i = e.detail.originalIndex;
    data[i].selected = true;

  extract={(item) => item.state}
  disable={(item) => item.selected}

Focus after select

Set focusAfterSelect to true to re-focus the search input after selecting a result.

<Typeahead focusAfterSelect {data} {extract} />



Prop name Value Description
value string (default: "") Input search value
data T[] (default: []) Items to search
extract (T) => T Target an item key if data is an object array
disable (T) => T Pass in a function to disable items. They will show up in the results list, but wont be selectable.
filter (T) => T Pass in a function to filter items. Thei will be hidden and do not show up at all in the results list.
autoselect boolean (default: true) Automatically select the first (top) result
inputAfterSelect "update" or "clear" or "keep"(default:"update") Set to "clear" to clear the value after selecting a result. Set to "keep" keep the search field unchanged after a selection.
results FuzzyResult[] (default: []) Raw fuzzy results from the fuzzy module
focusAfterSelect boolean (default: false) Set to true to re-focus the input after selecting a result.
limit number (default: Infinity) Specify the maximum number of results to return
...$$restProps (forwarded to Search component) All other props are forwarded to the input element.

Dispatched events

  • on:select: dispatched when selecting a result
  • on:clear: dispatched when clearing the input field
  let events = [];

  function update(event, detail) {
    events = [...events, JSON.stringify({ event, detail }, null, 2)];

  on:select={(e) => {
    update("select", e.detail);
  on:clear={() => {

  {#each events as event}

Forwarded events

The following events are forwarded to the svelte-search component.

  • on:type
  • on:input
  • on:change
  • on:focus
  • on:clear
  • on:blur
  • on:keydown

Usage with svite

To use this component with svite, add the following to your vite.config.js:

// vite.config.js
module.exports = {
  optimizeDeps: {
    include: ["fuzzy"],


Svelte version 3.31 or greater is required if using TypeScript.


