The application consists of 2 main parts: the laboratory and reward snapshots.
In the laboratory, you stake XLAB/BNB LP tokens and as a reward get XLAB tokens. When your tokens are staked, you are accumulating rewards. If you decide to withdraw, you have to pay a withdrawal fee.
Withdrawal fees go to the reward contract. XLAB and BNB tokens are extracted from the LP pair. XLAB tokens are burned and BNB tokens are stored as a reward. Reward contract does the snapshot of XLAB token balances and creates a new reward. Then, XLAB token HODLers can claim their share in proportion to how much XLABs they held at the snapshot time and what was the total supply.
This model is expected to benefit both HODLers and liquidity providers.
PancakeSwap did not work very well on BSC testnet so we had to deploy our own mock version of Uniswapv2 and create an LP pair.
Video presentation:
- Token: 0x4424FA528Ab1e5BCe2372Baf024A5658FEdacBDc
- Vault: 0x42CFFf119c6033B19ae40DcfF0a4Ed673b292778
- Reward: 0x41cFEfFB9c00F8313bDF8835f8b478D746e786D0
- Node v14.15
- Solidity 0.7.5
- Truffle v5 (+ pet-shop box)
- Web3.js v1.2.9
Clone the project
Install Truffle framework:
npm install -g truffle
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create .env file in root directory with the same content as in .env.example (replace <...> with real values). Infura key can be obtained from
Compile the contracts:
truffle compile
See available networks in truffle-config.js. Also check migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js file to make sure that the deployment parameters are correct.
// Token name.
// Token symbol.
// Initial supply (premine). Specify it without decimals. It is sent to the deployer address.
// Token contract address.
// LP pair token address
// Token contract address.
// WETH address.
// Reward contract address.
// Withdrawal fee percentage. Please note that denominator is 10000 so to set 8% you need to input 800.
// APY percentage. Please note that denominator is 10000 so to set 300% you need to input 30000.
Deploy on BSC testnet:
npm run migrate-bsctest
npm run migrate-rinkeby
If you are deploying to the mainnet, please adjust gasPrice (you can adjust gas amount also) in the truffle-config.js.
npm run migrate-live
Or you can deploy the flattened contracts (under directory flatten) yourself (for example, with Remix IDE).