
Explore pokemons with NextJS

Author Languages

Live version on vercel

With docker container on gcp
Temporarily only
Knows issues listed on respective section

📌 Table of Contents

🚀 Features

  • Explore pokemons
  • See the abilities, state and evolution of pokemons in the details page

🎯 Goals

As a web dev assignment

👷 Installation

You need to install Node.js and Yarn, then in order to clone the project via HTTPS, run this command:

  git clone

SSH URLs provide access to a Git repository via SSH, a secure protocol. If you have a SSH key registered in your Github account, clone the project using this command:

  git clone

Install dependencies

  yarn install

🏃 Getting Started

Run the following command in order to start the application in a development environment:

  yarn dev

📮 Stack

The tecnologies used in this project are NextJS + MUI v5

🐛 Issues and Improvements

Below listed issued that are found

  • Localization still not working properly
  • Next.js generated images path on docker still has issue with static path
  • UT with jest is not fully implemented


  • Using context to save all pokemon data
  • Use fully SSG
  • Make code more DRY; Extract reusable styled component such as modal + detail card or pagination, fetch fn

📕 License, etc

Released in 2022. Made with love, (plus hunch of bugs) by Paulina 💜🚀

Learn something new everyday, happy coding