A Sketch plugin that exports Sketch artboards into clickable HTML file.
Exporter Features:
- Single HTML file with links highlighting
- Show artboard as an overlay over a previous artboard / Pict 1, Pict 2, Pict 3 / Example
- Show artboard as a modal over a previous artboard / Picture, Example
- Support for layers with fixed position (left,top and float panels) / Example
- Support for Sketch-native links (including Back links, cross-page links, links inside Symbols and overrided hotspot links)
- Support for external links / Hint
- Skips pages and artboards with * prefix
- Ability to insert Google counter
- Ability to hide navigation controls and hotspot highlighting
- Automatic compression of images
Viewer features:
- Gallery / Picture
- Async pre-loading of all page images
- Auto-scale of large pages to fit into small browser window
- Ability to get <iframe> code to embed you prototypes into external web pages (with special UI)
Publisher features:
- Increasing of version counter and injecting it into HTML
- Publishing to external site by SFTP
Run from command line:
- Export HTML from command line / Hint
Please send your feedback and requests to max@bazarov.ru
To install, download the zip file and double-click on Exporter.sketchplugin
. The commands will show up under Plugins > Exporter
You can use Sketch-native links or add links to external sites. When you're finished adding these you can generate a HTML website of the all document pages by selecting Export to HTML
. The generated files can then be uploaded to a server so you can show it to your clients.
By default it will show 2x images for high pixel density screens. To turn this off uncheck Export retina images
in Settings and re-export the page.