
Simple GUI wrapper of the factify - core module for FactPub project.

Primary LanguageHTML

Factify_GUI (factpub_uploader)


Factify_GUI is the GUI wrapper for Factify, core extraction module, as a part of FactPub project.


Java Version 1.8+


Build (eclipse)

  • Step 1. download the zip from the top of this git repository and expand it to your local folder.

  • Step 2. Choose 'File->Import' from the eclipse menu.

  • Step 3. Choose 'General->Existing Projects into Workspace' from the import menu.

  • Step 4. Choose the root path of the expanded folder you downloaded in the step 1 and click 'Finish' button.

  • Step 5. Open EntryPoint.java by double clicking the file under org.factpub.core package

  • Step 6. Run the code to be compliled and the program launches in your eclipse!

  • Under "Run configurations", make sure JavaSE-1.8 is used.

About FactPub


FactPub is the project that helps scientific facts accessible to general public in legal manner.



The content of this repository is licensed under GNU GPLv3