Code-2040 Fellows Application: The API Challenge

Hi friend!

This repo is for the Code 2040 API Challenge Fellows Application

Code 2040 is a great NGO that "creates pathways to educational, professional, and entrepreneurial success in technology for underrepresented minorities with a specific focus on Blacks and Latino/as."

Each file is a different step in the process.

Step 1: Set up a repository and make a HTTP POST request.

Step 2: Reverse a string.

Step 3: Find the needle in the haystack and send back the index of the needle string.

Step 4: Make a new array that ommits all words that starts with the given prefix.

Step 5: Add a given amount of seconds (stored in an integer value) to a ISO 8601 datestamp

####What I learned in the process:

  • How to properly read documentation and properly use an API
  • HTTP Post requests (requests, urllib3)
  • JSON!
  • How great Python is