Vuestorefront / Odoo Docker


The main purpose of this repo is to allow users to be able to test the Vuestorefront - Odoo Integration. Main repo's are at:

Vue Storefront


Running this command will build and create new containers but also will initialize the Odoo database if not yet initialized

$> docker-compose up --build -d
# You might want to check what happens under the hood
$> docker-compose logs -f

Now just open http://localhost:3000 for VSF and http://localhost:8069 for Odoo (credentials admin/admin)

You might not see the top categories (MEN/WOMEN) until the Odoo server is initialized (database init takes time to install all modules)


Running this command will stop but will not clear the Odoo database

$> docker-compose down


Running this command will stop but will not clear the Odoo database

$> docker-compose down -v

Clearing cache

Running this command will stop but will not clear the Odoo database

$> docker exec -it redis redis-cli> flushall