
personal site

Primary LanguageCSS

Jekyll notes:

Markdown file names for blog posts must be formatted this way:


Every entry begins with this header:

layout: post
title:  title in quotes here
date:   YYYY-MM-DD
categories: tags separated by spaces

Markdown files accept HTML tags and markdown syntax. For more details see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/

There is additional documentation on markdown syntax available here: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet

A quick summary of the directory structure:

  • _includes contains the head HTML code in head.html and the navbar in header.html that is included in every page
  • _layouts contains default page types that are selected in the markdown header
  • _posts contain the blog posts
  • _sass contains the default sass file included with Jekyll
  • assets contains the CSS file as well as images and any other static files that might need to be served
  • sites contains stand-alone HTML files such as CSS experiments and demos that do not follow the conventions and designs of the rest of the site
  • the root directory contains the _config.yml file that provides Jekyll build instructions, along with various markdown files for non-blog posts, gemfiles, and the .gitignore file.