This script accepts Markdown as input and builds a blog style website.
Everything is an asset, the effort for every task is distilled.
It's unique in that it allows you to not do very much to dramatically change the site. Here's why:
- Anything you put in the posts directory will become a post in the index.
- Anything you put in the pages directory will become a page in the navbar.
- Anything you put in the CSS directory will be come a stylesheet for everything.
- Any word you write will be beautifully styled thanks to Bootstrap.
- Any code you write will be beautifully highlighted thanks to Prettyprint.
- Any math you write will be beautifully rendered thanks to MathJax.
You should download the source, place Markdown files in the posts directory, and run build.
If you'd like to sort your posts, you need to have your naming format
be alphanumerically and lexicographically sortable. The naming standard
that's built into Markable is [YEARMNDY]["Title"].md
If you'd like the date displayed in your post, you'll need to use something like this:
This is the title of my post {{meta}}
The {{meta}}
will be replaced by a date and a clickable link to a page
with only this post.
Replace the metadata in
to get a custom title for your site.
The title and URL of every post in the browser is determined by the filename, everything else in the file is determined by you.
To edit the About page, edit
The design goals of this project are the same as the design goals of my website:
- Simple, easy, lightweight
- Scalable, fast web-hosting
- Custom domain name
- Cheap or free
- Write posts in Markdown alone
I do not at all claim to have feature parity with these services, but I looked into these static blog generators before deciding to write my own:
- Categories
- Each folder in the posts directory will be a category
- Each category will have its own index
- Tags
- A hashtag implementation a la Twitter
- A hashtag in a post will enter that post into a
ordered list in a unified
- Site map
- A linked list of every post