

RocaNews is a website based on revolutionizing the way news is presented and distributed. The past 5-10 years have shown the general population how skewed and biased Legacy news networks are and it is very clear they each have a specific agenda to push onto their viewers. RocaNews is a site dedicated to providing need-to-know stories that are Non-partisan and entertaining for all readers; Going over stories based on recent news and also random interesting stories everyone can learn some history and knowledge from.



The RocaNews MVP will allow a user to delve into different news stories and be able to create/read/update/delete comments pertaining to the stories and interact with one another.


  • Users will be able to fetch the full list of news articles with many different kinds to choose from.
  • Users will be able to view all comments for a story.
  • Users will be able to create/edit/and delete comments.

Libraries and Dependencies

Library Description
React A JavaScript library that is used for building front end interfaces
React Router A library used for creating routes in React
React Router DOM DOM functionality for React Router
Axios A JavaScript library used to make HTTP requests from the backend
Node.js Javascript runtime environment that runs as asynchronously aids in building scalable network applications
Ruby on Rails _ MVC based framework that helps create database-backend web apps _
React Material UI Carousel Carousel UI component for React using Material UI
Post MVP Following are specifically post MVP
JWT Used to create unique user access tokens that allow for authentication
bcrypt Hashes passwords to protect user information from data leaks
React Spinners Loading Spinners

Client (Front End)


Figma Wireframes

Home Page Desktop Home

All News Page All News

Story detail page with comment C.U.D. Buttons Story detail

Component Tree

Component Tree

Component Tree

Component Architecture

|__ layouts/
      |__ Layout/
            |__ Layout.jsx
            |__ Layout.css
|__ components/
      |__ Footer/
            |__ Footer.jsx
            |__ Footer.css
      |__ Nav/
            |__ Nav.jsx
            |__ Nav.css
|__ containers/
      |__ MainContainer/
            |__ MainContainer.jsx
|__ screens/
      |__ AllNews/
            |__ AllNews.jsx
                |__ NewsCard.jsx
            |__ AllNews.css
      |__ StoryDetail/
            |__ StoryDetail.jsx
            |__ StoryDetail.css
               |__ EditComment.jsx
               |__ EditComment.css
               |__ CreateComment.jsx
               |__ DeleteComment.jsx
               |__ Carousel.jsx
      |__ Home/
            |__ Home.jsx
            |__ Home.css
|__ services/
      |__ api-config.js
      |__ comments.js
      |__ news.js
|__ App.js
|__ Index.js

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested
ReadMe Creation H 2 hrs 1.5 hrs
Back End Creation / Plan H 3 hrs 1 hr
Back End Database H 3 hrs 3 hrs
Seed and Create Data H 3 hrs 0.5 hrs
Test Back End Routes H 1 hrs 0.5 hrs
React File Structure H 3 hrs 0.5 hrs
Front End Setup H 3 hrs 3 hrs
Front End Routes and Testing H 4 hrs 3 hrs
Layout Setup H 3 hrs 2 hr
Navbar / Header H 1 hrs 1 hr
Footer H 1 hrs 0
Home Screen Functionality / Logic H 2 hrs 2 hrs
All News (GET) Screen Functionality H 2 hrs 2 hrs
Story Details Screen with C.U.D. Btns H 3 hrs 4 hrs
Get, Edit, and Delete Comments Functionality H 3 hrs 5 hrs
Hamburger on Nav (tablet/mobile) H 1 hrs 0
Edit Comments Pop up Screen H 1 hrs IP
Home Screen CSS H 2 hrs 2 hrs
All News Screen CSS H 2 hrs 1 hrs
Story Details Screen CSS H 2 hrs 1 hrs / IP
Edit Comment Pop up CSS H 1 hrs IP
TOTAL 41 hrs 31 hrs

Server (Back End)

ERD Model



  • Implement Authorization
  • Users will be able to create account
  • Users will be able to like comments and posts
  • Timestamps to comments
  • Create My Profile page where user can view their liked articles
  • Loading Screen animations
  • Search bar

Code Showcase


create_table "comments", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.string "name"
    t.string "text"
    t.bigint "story_id", null: false
    t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
    t.index ["story_id"], name: "index_comments_on_story_id"

  create_table "stories", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.string "img_url1"
    t.string "img_url2"
    t.string "img_url3"
    t.string "img_url4"
    t.string "img_url5"
    t.string "title"
    t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false

  add_foreign_key "comments", "stories"

One to Many Table Relationship

class Story < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy

class Comment < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :story

Create / Update / Delete handlers

 const handleCommentCreate = async (formData) => {
    const newComment = await postComment({ ...formData, story_id: id });
    setComments((prevState) => [...prevState, newComment]);

  const handleCommentEdit = async (formData, commentId) => {
    const newComment = await putComment(formData, commentId);
    setComments((prevState) => => {
        return === commentId ? newComment : comment;

  const handleCommentDelete = async (id) => {
    await deleteComment(id);
    setComments((prevState) =>
      prevState.filter((comment) => !== id)