
Compatibility matrix for ED-UK Platforms

Primary LanguageHTML


Make sure gulp is installed on your machine by running

npm install gulp

Run gulp to start the webserver.

Browser Matrix

This grid is designed to show the user which browsers is supported by platform.


The data to build this page is stored in JSON and is loaded when the page renders. Here is an empty JSON object -

Empty object

{ "browser": "", "ver": "", link: "" ,"link" : "" ,"os": "", "class": "", "comment": "", "icon" : "" }


"browser" = Internet Browser - IE, GC, MF, SF "ver" = Version - Free text link: "" ,"link" : "" ,"os" = Operating System - Free text "class" = CSS Class - box-danger, box-warning, box-info, box-success "comment" = Comment - Free Text "icon" = Icon to be displayed - remove, warning-sign, cog, ok


{ "browser": "IE", "ver": "Version 11", link: "" ,"link" : "" ,"os": "Win 7", "class": "box-success", "comment": "Edge 2.0 is fully supported", "icon" : "ok" },