
The sfCacheTaggingPlugin is a Symfony plugin to store caches associated with unique tags to keep cache content up-to-date based by incrementing tags version

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The sfCacheTaggingPlugin is a Symfony plugin, that helps to store cache with associated tags and to keep cache content up-to-date based by incrementing tag version when cache objects are edited/removed or new objects are ready to be a part of cache content.

Table of contents

Tagging a cache is a concept that was invented in the same time by many developers (Andrey Smirnoff, Dmitryj Koteroff and, perhaps, by somebody else)

This software was developed inspired by Andrey Smirnoff's theoretical work "Cache tagging with Memcached (on Russian)". Some ideas are implemented in the real world (e.i. tag versions based on datetime and micro time, cache hit/set logging, cache locking) and part of them are not (atomic counter).

  • As Symfony plugin

  • Installation

        $ ./symfony plugin:install sfCacheTaggingPlugin
  • Upgrading

        $ ./symfony cc
        $ ./symfony plugin:upgrade sfCacheTaggingPlugin
  • As a git submodule (master or devel branch)

  • Installation

        $ git submodule add git://github.com/fruit/sfCacheTaggingPlugin.git plugins/sfCacheTaggingPlugin
        $ git submodule init plugins/sfCacheTaggingPlugin
  • Upgrading

        $ cd plugins/sfCacheTaggingPlugin
        $ git pull origin master
        $ cd ../..
  • Migrating

     $ ./symfony doctrine:migrate-generate-diff

After quick setup you may be interested in "Advanced setup"

1. Check plugin is enabled.

Location: /config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php


class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function setup ()
    # … other plugins

2. Change default model class

This will switch default model class sfDoctineRecord with sfCachetaggableDoctrineRecord


class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  # …

  public function configureDoctrine (Doctrine_Manager $manager)
      array('baseClassName' => 'sfCachetaggableDoctrineRecord')

Then rebuild your models:

$ ./symfony doctrine:build-model

3. Configure "view_cache" and "view_cache_manager" in /config/factories.yml

    class: sfViewCacheTagManager

    class: sfTaggingCache
        class: sfFileTaggingCache
          automatic_cleaning_factor: 0
          cache_dir: %SF_CACHE_DIR%/sf_tag_cache
        class: sfFileCacheTagLogger
          file: %SF_LOG_DIR%/cache_%SF_ENVIRONMENT%.log
          format: "%char% %microtime% %key%%EOL%"

4. Add "Cachetaggable" behavior to the each model you want to cache

  tableName: articles
    Cachetaggable: ~

And don't forget to rebuild models again:

$ ./symfony doctrine:build-model

5. Enable cache and declare required helpers in /apps/%APP%/config/settings.yml:

    cache: true

      - Partial
      - Cache

How to cache partials?

  • Enable cache in /apps/%APP%/modules/%MODULE%/config/cache.yml:

      enabled: true
  • Action template indexSuccess.php:

    <?php /* @var $articles Doctrine_Collection_Cachetaggable */ ?>
    <h1><?php __('Articles') ?></h1>
    <?php include_partial('articles/listing', array(
      'articles' => $articles,
      'sf_cache_tags' => $articles,
    )) ?>

How to cache components? (one-table)

  • components.class.php

    class articlesComponents extends sfComponents
      public function executeListOfArticles ($request)
        /* @var $articles Doctrine_Collection_Cachetaggable */
        $articles = Doctrine::getTable('Article')
          ->orderBy('a.id DESC')
        $this->articles = $articles;
  • Action template: indexSuccess.php

      <legend>Articles inside component</legend>
      <?php include_component('articles', 'listOfArticles'); ?>
  • Enable component caching in /apps/%APP%/modules/%MODULE%/config/cache.yml:

      enabled: true

How to cache components? (many-table, combining articles and comments 1:M relation)

  • components.class.php

    class articlesComponents extends sfComponents
      public function executeListOfArticlesAndComments($request)
        $articles = Doctrine::getTable('Article')
          ->addSelect('a.*, ac.*')
          ->innerJoin('a.ArticleComments ac')
          ->orderBy('a.id DESC')
        $this->articles = $articles;
  • indexSuccess.php

      <legend>Component (articles and comments)</legend>
      <?php include_component('article', 'listOfArticlesAndComments'); ?>
  • Enable component caching in /apps/%APP%/modules/%MODULE%/config/cache.yml

      enabled: true

How to cache action with layout?

  • Controller example:

    class carActions extends sfActions
      public function executeShow (sfWebRequest $request)
        $car = Doctrine::getTable('car')
        $driver = Doctrine::getTable('driver')
        $this->car = $car;
        $this->driver = $driver;
  • Enable caching in /apps/%APP%/modules/%MODULE%/config/cache.yml:

      with_layout: true
      enabled:     true

How to cache action without layout?

  • Action example

    class carActions extends sfActions
      public function executeShow (sfWebRequest $request)
        $car = Doctrine::getTable('car')->find($request->getParameter('id'));
        $this->car = $car;
  • Enable cache in /apps/%APP%/modules/%MODULE%/config/cache.yml:

      with_layout: false
      enabled:     true

How to cache Doctrine_Record/Doctrine_Collection?

  • Does not depends on cache.yml file

  • To cache objects/collection with tags you need to enable result cache by calling Doctrine_Query::useResultCache():

    class articleActions extends sfActions
      public function executeArticles (sfWebRequest $request)
        $articles = Doctrine::getTable('Article')
          ->addWhere('lang = ?', 'en_GB')
          ->addWhere('is_visible = ?', true)
        $this->articles = $articles;

NB. Please read "Quick setup" before reading this.

How to cache private blocks (actions/pages/partials) for authenticated users

Symfony's cache mechanism creates the unique key to each block you want to cache based on following arguments:

- Module name
- Action name
- $_GET arguments

In case you would like to cache user's private data you must be very careful. To prevent users of seeing other user private data you need to add additional parameter to distinguish cached blocks among other private blocks.

The easiest way is to keep user_id/username in URL, but it's awful. I suggest to add custom $_GET parameter on the fly. This will prevent of showing "user_id" in URL.

What should you do is to register a new filter AuthParamFilter and switch standard sfWebRequest with plugin's one sfCacheTaggingWebRequest.

Place AuthParamFilter before "caching" filter in apps/%application_name%/config/filters.yml

rendering: ~
security:  ~

  class: AuthParamFilter

cache:     ~
execution: ~

Switch to sfCacheTaggingWebRequest in apps/%application_name%/config/factories.yml

    class: sfCacheTaggingWebRequest

That's all. Now cache content will be based on additional parameter "user_id" in case user have successfully authenticated.

Explaining /config/factories.yml

    class: sfViewCacheTagManager

    class: sfTaggingCache

      # Content will be stored in Memcache
      # Here you can switch to any other backend
      # (see below "Restrictions" for more info)
        class: sfMemcacheTaggingCache
          persistent: true
          storeCacheInfo: true
          host: localhost
          port: 11211
          lifetime: 86400

        class: sfFileCacheTagLogger   # to disable logger, set class to "sfNoCacheTagLogger"
          # All given parameters are default
          file:         %SF_LOG_DIR%/cache_%SF_ENVIRONMENT%.log
          file_mode:    0640
          dir_mode:     0750
          time_format:  "%Y-%b-%d %T%z"   # e.i. 2010-Sep-01 15:20:58+0300
          skip_chars:   ""

          # Logging format
          # There are such available place-holders:
          #   %char%              - Operation char (see char explanation in sfCacheTagLogger::explainChar())
          #   %char_explanation%  - Operation explanation string
          #   %time%              - Time, when data/tag was accessed
          #   %key%               - Cache name or tag name with its version
          #   %microtime%         - Micro time timestamp when data/tag was accessed
          #   %EOL%               - Whether to append \n in the end of line
          # (Example: "%char% %microtime% %key%%EOL%")
          format:       "%char%"

Restrictions: Backend's class should be inherited from sfCache class. Then, it should be implement sfTaggingCacheInterface (due to a Doctrine cache engine compatibility). Also, it should support the caching of objects and/or arrays.

Therefor, plugin comes with additional extended backend classes:

  • sfAPCTaggingCache
  • sfEAcceleratorTaggingCache
  • sfFileTaggingCache
  • sfMemcacheTaggingCache
  • sfSQLiteTaggingCache
  • sfXCacheTaggingCache

And bonus one:

  • sfSQLitePDOTaggingCache (based on stand alone sfSQLitePDOCache)

Adding "Cachetaggable" behavior to the models

Two major setups to pay attention:

  • Model setup
    • When object tag will be invalidated
    • How object tag will stored (tag naming)
  • Relation setup
    • What will happen with related objects in case root-object is deleted or updated
    • Choosing cascading type (deleteTags, invalidateTags)

Explained behavior setup, file /config/doctrine/schema.yml:

  tableName: articles

      # If you have more then 1 unique column, you could pass all of them
      # as array (tag name will be based on all of them)
      # (default: [], primary keys will be auto-detected)
      uniqueColumn:    [id, is_visible]

      # cache tag will be based on 2 columns
      # (e.g. "Article:5:01", "Article:912:00")
      # matches the "uniqueColumn" column order
      # (default: "")
      uniqueKeyFormat: '%d-%02b'

      # Column name, where object version will be stored in table
      # (default: "object_version")
      versionColumn:    version_microtime

      # Option to skip object invalidation by changing listed columns
      # Useful for sf_guard_user.last_login or updated_at
      # (default: [])
        - last_accessed

      # Invalidates or not object collection tag when any
      # record was updated (BC with v2.*)
      # Useful, when table contains rarely changed data (e.g. Countries, Currencies)
      # allowed values: true/false
      # (default: false)
      invalidateCollectionVersionOnUpdate: false

      # Useful option when model contains columns like "is_visible", "is_active"
      # updates collection tag, if one of columns was updated.
      # will not work if "invalidateCollectionVersionOnUpdate" is set to "true"
      # will not work if one of columns are in "skipOnChange" list.
      # (default: [])
        - is_visible

      type: integer(4)
      autoincrement: true
      primary: true
      type: integer(4)
      notnull: false
      default: null
      type: integer(4)
      notnull: true
    slug: string(255)
    is_visible: boolean(true)
    is_moderated: boolean(false)
    last_accessed: date(25)
      class: Culture
      local: culture_id
      foreign: id
      foreignAlias: Articles
      type: one
      foreignType: many
      # Cascading type chosen "invalidateTags"
      # Due to foreign key "onDelete" type is "SET NULL"
      cascade: [invalidateTags]
      class: Category
      local: category_id
      foreign: id
      foreignAlias: Categories
      type: one
      foreignType: many
      # Cascading type chosen "deleteTags"
      # Due to foreign key "onDelete" type is "CASCADE"
      cascade: [deleteTags]

  tableName: cultures
    Cachetaggable: ~
      type: integer(4)
      autoincrement: true
      primary: true
    lang: string(10)
    is_visible: boolean(true)
      onDelete: SET NULL
      onUpdate: CASCADE

  tableName: categories
    Cachetaggable: ~
      type: integer(4)
      autoincrement: true
      primary: true
    name: string(127)
      onDelete: CASCADE
      onUpdate: CASCADE

Explained sfCacheTaggingPlugin options (file /config/app.yml):


    # Tag name delimiter
    # (default: ":")
    model_tag_name_separator: ":"

    # Version of precision
    # 0: without micro time, version length 10 digits
    # 5: with micro time part, version length 15 digits
    # allowed decimal numbers in range [0, 6]
    # (default: 5)
    microtime_precision: 5

    # Callable array
    # Example: [ClassName, StaticClassMethod]
    # useful when tag name should contains extra information
    # (e.g. Environment name, or application name)
    # (default: [])
    object_class_tag_name_provider: []

Tag manipulations

Here is a list of available methods you can call inside sfComponent & sfAction to manage tags:

  • setContentTags (mixed $tags)
  • addContentTags (mixed $tags)
  • getContentTags ()
  • removeContentTags ()
  • setContentTag (string $tagName, string $tagVersion)
  • hasContentTag (string $tagName)
  • removeContentTag (string $tagName)
  • disableCache (string $moduleName = null, string $actionName = null)
  • addDoctrineTags (mixed $tags, Doctrine_Query $q, array $params = array())

More about is you could find in sfViewCacheTagManagerBridge.class.php

Component example:


class articlesComponents extends sfComponents
  public function executeList ($request)
    $articles = ArticleTable::getInstance()->findAll();

    # Appending tags to already set $articles tags
    $banners = BannerTable::getInstance()->findByCategoryId(4);

    # adding only Culture collection tag "Culture"
    # useful when page contains all cultures output in form widget

    # adding personal tag
    $this->addContentTag('Portal_EN', sfCacheTaggingToolkit::generateVersion());

    # deleting added before tag

    # printing all set tags, excepting removed one
    // var_dump($this->getContentTags());

    $this->articles = $articles;
    $this->banners = $banners;

Configurating Doctrine`s query cache

Remember to enable Doctrine query cache in production:

# config/app.yml
    query_cache: ~

      class: Doctrine_Cache_Apc # or another backend class Doctrine_Cache_*
        prefix: doctrine_dql_query_cache
        lifetime: 86400

And plug in query cache:


class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function configureDoctrine (Doctrine_Manager $manager)
    $doctrineQueryCache = sfConfig::get('app_doctrine_query_cache');

    if ($doctrineQueryCache)
      list($class, $param) = array_values($doctrineQueryCache);
        new $class($param)

      if (isset($param['lifetime']))
          (int) $param['lifetime']

Clarifying Doctrine`s result cache

Plugin contains universal proxy class Doctrine_Cache_Proxy to connect Doctrine cache mechanisms with Symfony's one. This mean, when you setup "storage" cache back-end to file cache, Doctrine`s result cache will use it to store cached DQL results.

To enable result cache use:


Set hydration to Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_RECORD (NB! using another hydrator, its impossible to cache DQL result with tags.)



// or
$q->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_RECORD);

Cached DQL results will be associated with all linked tags based on query results.

New in v4.1.1:

  • [Removed] Removing from package test files - all test environment located in GIT repository

Limitations / Specificity

  • In case, when model has translations (I18n behavior), it is enough to add Cachetaggable behavior to the root model. I18n behavior should be free from Cachetaggable behavior.
  • You can't pass I18n table columns to the skipOnChange.
  • Doctrine $q->count() can't be cached with tags
  • Be careful with joined I18n tables, cached result may differs from the expected. Due the unresolved ticket it could be impossible.


  • Environment: PHP 5.3.8
  • Unit tests: 12
  • Functional tests: 31
  • Checks: 1340
  • Code coverage: 95%

Whether you want to run a plugin tests, you need:

  1. Install plugin from GIT repository.

  2. Install APC and Memcache

  3. Configure php.ini and restart Apache/php-fpm:

    [ini] [APC] apc.enabled = 1 apc.enable_cli = 1 apc.use_request_time = 0

  4. Add CLI variable:

For current session only:

    $ export SYMFONY=/path/to/symfony/lib

For all further sessions:

    $ echo "export SYMFONY=/path/to/symfony/lib" >> ~/.bashrc
  1. Run tests:

    [php] $ cd plugins/sfCacheTaggingPlugin/test/fixtures/project/

    it will create the sfcachetaggingplugin_test database

    $ ./symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load --env=test

    runs unit and functional tests

    $ ./symfony test:all

    runs all unit tests

    $ ./symfony test:unit

    runs all functional tests

    $ ./symfony test:functional



  • @: Ilya Sabelnikov <fruit dot dev at gmail dot com>
  • skype: ilya_roll