
This project is sample application that demonstrates storing and receiving data in MySQL database using NestJS framework and TypeORM.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project is sample application that demonstrates storing and receiving data in MySQL database using NestJS framework and TypeORM.

Additionally, it shows how to activate Swagger(OpenApi) documentation to automatically generate an REST-API

Database setup

In order to start this sample, please make sure that you specify the right data for establishing MySQL connection (in ormconfig.json file, make sure that username, password and database values matches your MySQL server values):

    "type": "mysql",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 3306,
    "username": "nestuser",
    "password": "nestpw",
    "database": "nestdb",
    "entities": ["dist/**/*.entity{.ts,.js}"],
    "synchronize": true

Install Dependencies


Then please install all the app depencencies by executing the following command:

npm install


To install a Mysql-Database you can use the predefined docker-compose.db.yml. This file contains all informtaion to setup an docker comntainer with the same credentials from ormconfig.json. If you updated this file you have to update docker-compose also. You can start the db with:

npm run db:start

To stop run:

npm run db:stop

If you dont want to use Docker you have to setup your own Mysql-Instance with credentials from ormconfig.json


Every time after creating new entities or updating old entities it is important that you generate migrations for this new entities:

npm run migrations:generate

New migrations scripts will then be saved within the migrations folder as TIMESTAMP-nestdb.js (adjust package.json npm script to change name)

After generation (or initially) they have to be applied with:

npm run migrations:run


You can run the app by executing the following command:

npm run start:dev

Resources with CRUD functionality will be available at http://localhost:1337/ [users/subscriptions/notes]

Swagger / OpenApi

Open http://localhost:1337/api to access the API documentation


"Register" a user (user bearer within src/auth/adminauth.middleware.ts - supersafe2)

curl -X POST http://localhost:1337/user -d '{"name": "admin", "password": "admin", "gender" : "m"}' -H "Authorization: Bearer supersafe2" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

"Login" using /auth/login

curl -X POST http://localhost:1337/auth/login -d '{"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Retrieve profile lol

curl http://localhost:1337/profile -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_TOKEN_FROM_LOGIN_CALL"