
Terminal emulator in browser!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Terminal emulator in browser!

Supported variables, output redirecting, colored output, themes, prompt-styles, etc..


paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # var username paulll
paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # pwd || echo hi, %username% at directory
hi, paulll at directory /user/desktop
paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # 

To add a command, create file in /rom/ and name is with command's name and .js extension


First word is command, other are arguments

paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # echo something

Arguments separated by space, you can escape space and other lexemes with backslash or quotes

paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # cd "/user/dir with spaces"
/user/dir with spaces
paulll@cloudx /user/dir with spaces # 

Command "var" sets value of variable. Write variable name in percent symbols to get it's value

paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # var username paulll
paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # echo hi, %username%
hi, paulll

You can redirect output from one command to another with "||" lexeme

paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # echo /var/www || cd
paulll@cloudx /var/www #

Redirected element is always last in arguments list

paulll@cloudx /user/desktop # pwd || echo you're at directory
you're at directory /user/desktop

FS is not finished yet, so you can not redirect output to files. Words >>, > and & are reserved

Terminal API's

To register app in the terminal you have to set app[%commandname%] property with main app function and manifest[%commandname%] with structure below

    "async" : false, // start input on main function's return
    "help" : {
        "en-US" : "Short command description",
        // here you can add more languages 
    "usage" : "somecommand (-flags) <important value> [not important]" // usage 

Use API's listed below to write your own console app for jsterm

  • util.console
    • print (text, color, background, bold) - prints new line
    • write (text, color, background, bold) - writes text to last line
    • clear - clear terminal
    • read (prompt, key, callback) - read user input; on %key% press input stops; example: CTRL+ENTER, ENTER, Q;
    • clearline (line) - clear line
    • insertLine (line, text, color, background, bold) - insert line
  • util.cursor
    • setPos (posX) - set X pos
    • getPos (mode) - get cursor pos; mode can be 'line' or 'char' or undefined; if mode is undefined it returns object {line, char}
    • hide () - hide cursor
    • show () - show cursor
  • util.theme
    • promptStyle - config. 1 means, that prompt is in cloudx style, 2 - ubuntu, 3 - fedora;
    • color - colors. Please use this variables in your jsterm apps;
      • background - default: #242424 (dark gray)
      • error - default: #C75646 (light red)
      • info - default: #49D0FF (light blue)
      • prompt - default: #8EB33B (green)
      • text - default: #F7F7F7 (white/gray)
      • warning - default: #FFB259 (orange)
      • textBackground - default: transparent
  • util.tdata
    • pwd - default: "/user/desktop" - working directory
    • system - default: "cloudx-3.3" - system
    • user - default: "paulll" - user name