PPS Boilerplate

(Parcel Pug Stylus) Boilerplate

Simple boilerplate for web applications, with:

  • pug as html template engine
  • stylus as css preprocessor
  • parcel as resource bundler and build system
  • git as vcs
  • travis-ci auto building and deploying to github pages


  1. install parcel (npm), travis, hub
  2. create personal access token with public_repo scope
  3. save token locally and encrypt it (gpg -c)
  4. create symlink to bin/init-project.sh from any directory in $PATH (~/bin in my case, for example)
  5. edit bin/init-project.sh:
    • change ~/secure/travis-github.token.gpg to gpg-encrypted token file
    • change paulll.cc to your github pages domain (basically %username%.github.io)