*NOTE: the repository has been rewritten to remove the database file!*

Get the database from https://github.com/downloads/camillol/cs424p3/ufo.db and put it inside the data directory.

git clone https://github.com/RandomEtc/modestmaps-processing.git

Then copy the modestmaps directory within to the Processing Libraries folder.

Get the SQLibrary from https://github.com/downloads/camillol/sqlibrary/SQLibrary-0.1.1.zip
IMPORTANT! Do not get the one at http://bezier.de/processing/libs/sql/ - it is horribly slow with SQLite.

Get prtree.jar from http://khelekore.org/prtree/git.shtml and install it as Libraries/prtree/library/prtree.jar

Get the json library from http://www.blprnt.com/processing/json.zip