
Note app


A note app is a digital tool that allows users to create, edit, and organize their notes for personal or professional purposes. It provides a convenient and easily accessible way to store and retrieve important information.


  • Remote authentication to secure your personal data.

  • Easy way to reset password via email

  • Adding/ editing/ deleting notes

  • Different ways to display information

  • Supports dark mode


Technologies and libraries used in project.

| - | - |

| ------ | ------ |

| Xcode |IDE |

| Swift | Programming language |

| SwiftUI | User interface |

| Firebase SDK | Authentication |

| Realm | Data storage |


Before running the project on your local machine, you should install CocoaPods.

pod install


Notes for different accounts New note screen
NoteApp NoteApp
Dark mode 1 Dark mode 2
NoteApp NoteApp
Grid view List view
NoteApp NoteApp
Reset password Email to reset password
NoteApp NoteApp