
libcotshrink takes CotEvents from ATAK and turns them into minimally sized byte arrays

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

libcotshrink takes CotEvent instances from ATAK and turns them into minimally sized byte arrays.

It uses a combination of EXI (Efficient XML Interchange), Protobufs, and GZip.

Adding to your Project

libcotshrink is now available on Maven Central

Edit your app/build.gradle and add the library to your app/plugin's dependencies:

dependencies {

    implementation 'com.paulmandal.atak:libcotshrink:1.0.4'

Run Gradle Sync and you will have access to libcotshrink's classes.

API / Usage

The CotShrinker class contains the libcotshrink API. It has lossless and lossy variants:

CotShrinker.toByteArray(CotEvent) - Losslessly converts a CotEvent to a byte array, currently this uses EXI (Efficient XML Interchange)

CotShrinker.toByteArrayLossy(CotEvent) - Lossy conversion for a CotEvent to a byte array, uses custom protobufs. This will fall back to toByteArray(CotEvent) if the custom protobuf conversion fails.

CotShrinker.toCotEvent(byte[]) - Will attempt to convert back to a CotEvent, first using the lossy conversion and then using the lossless if that one fails.

Example usage:

CotEvent cotEvent = ...;
CotShrinkerFactory cotShrinkerFactory = new CotShrinkerFactory();
CotShrinker cotShrinker = cotShrinkerFactory.createCotShrinker();

// Convert to bytes
byte[] cotAsBytes = cotShrinker.toByteArray(cotEvent);
byte[] cotAsLossyBytes = cotShrinker.toByteArrayLossy(cotEvent);

// Convert back
CotEvent cotFromBytes = cotShrinker.toCotEvent(cotAsBytes);
CotEvent cotFromLossyBytes = cotShrinker.toCotEvent(cotAsLossyBytes);

Lossy Conversion Details (WIP)

Using the CotShrinker.toByteArrayLossy(CotEvent) method will cause loss of precision in the following ways:

Field Description
time to whole seconds since start of year
stale to whole seconds since time
start reuses valuefrom time
point.lat to 7 decimal places
point.lon to 7 decimal places
point.hae to 16 bit, -900 to 20945 range, 0.3m
point.ce to int from double
point.le to int from double
link.lat to 7 decimal places
link.lon to 7 decimal places
link.hae to 2 decimal places
track.course to 3 decimal places
track.speed to 1 decimal place
height.value to 3 decimal places
shape.major to 3 decimal places
shape.minor to 3 decimal places
__geofence.boundingSphere to 1 decimal place
__geofence.minElevation to 1 decimal place
__geofence.maxElevation to 1 decimal place

Contributing / TODO

To test your changes, make sure your app is in the same parent directory as your libcotshrink directory. In your app's settings.gradle:

include ':libcotshrink'
project(':libcotshrink').projectDir = file('../libcotshrink')

and in your app's build.gradle include the dependency like this:

dependencies {
    implementation project(':libcotshrink')

You will need to comment out all the build.gradle lines in libcotshrink related to publishing to Maven, you can just click Try Again in Android Studio repeatedly and comment out each line that causes an issue.

  • Figure out how to get unit tests working, they rely CotEvent.parse() but this does not seem to work during unit tests
  • Use sint32 instead of int32 for fields that can be negative
  • Support more message types (please identify them and how they are generated in Issues)
  • Create detail subobjects for each set of detail fields used by a specific message type, e.g. the detail field should have objs like GeoChatDetail, PliDetail, etc. that are composed of the existing detail fields. This MAY save some space, need to test with PLI or something like that first.
  • Shrink messages further
  • Use Dagger 2

Performance Stats

Message Type Original Size Lossless Size Lossy Size
PLI 731 545 (-25.44%) 171 (-76.61%)
HA PLI 732 546 (-25.41%) 171 (-76.64%)
-HAE PLI 720 543 (-24.58%) 171 (-76.25%)
PLI w/o IP 725 539 (-25.66%) 166 (-77.10%)
Complex Shape 800 575 (-28.13%) 222 (-72.25%)
Drawn Shape 963 687 (-28.66%) 212 (-77.99%)
Freehand 1867 958 (-48.69%) 600 (-67.86%)
Group Chat 1181 723 (-38.78%) 346 (-70.70%)
Chat w/ MessageId 932 647 (-30.58%) 274 (-70.60%)
OP 735 546 (-25.71%) 194 (-73.61%)
P2P Chat 951 642 (-32.49%) 303 (-68.14%)
Route 2826 1692 (-40.13%) 544 (-80.75%)
Sensor 1106 853 (-22.88%) 285 (-74.23%)
Simple Shape 881 656 (-25.54%) 240 (-72.76%)
User Icon 770 582 (-24.42%) 252 (-67.27%)
Waypoint 756 552 (-26.98%) 198 (-73.81%)
Casevac w/ All Fields 1810 1414 (-21.88%) 601 (-66.80%)
Casevac w/ Empty Fields 876 669 (-23.63%) 236 (-73.06%)
Circle 912 621 (-31.91%) 209 (-77.08%)
GeoFence w/ Altitude 1040 792 (-23.85%) 222 (-78.65%)
GeoFence w/o Altitude 1009 761 (-24.58%) 217 (-78.49%)