
Neural networks in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Dendrite is a Python mini-library that implements neural networks. It gives the user flexibility to build a network with any architecture (number and size of neuron layers) and the flexibility to specify a separate activation function for each layer.

Training uses the backpropagation and gradient descent algorithms and also correctly evaluates the performance of the network by using separate training, validation, and test sets. The performance of the network is measured with the error function the user provides.

A small selection of popular activation and error functions are made available, and users are able to define their own functions and plug them into the network configuration or the trainer without any other changes to the code.


Make sure you have python3 and pip3 available and then install all the necessary third-party dependencies by running:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

make rules

  • make doc — Run Sphinx to generate the API documentation in HTML format. See the Troubleshooting section if you are using macOS and are unable to generate the documentation.

  • make pep8 — Check the coding style of the sources in the app and tests directories against the PEP8 guidelines.

  • make clean — Remove all temporary and generated files and directories, such as .pyc files, __pycache__ directories, and generated API documentation.

  • make unit — Run all unit tests in the tests/unit directory.

  • make test-iris and make test-autovit — Run the two available integration tests. See the Integration tests section for details.

Integration tests

Iris test

This is a classification test running on the [Iris flower data set] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_flower_data_set). The data is divided equally into training, validation, and test sets. There are four independent variables (input neurons) for each of the attributes in the data set and three dependent variables (output neurons) for each of the possible classes of flowers.

The test will train a three layered neural network with 4, 10, and 3 neurons respectively, plus bias neurons. Layers are activated using the sigmoid function. The error is measured using functions.mean_logistic_error.

The test will report the classification results at the end. The performance of the network will vary with each run of the test due to the weights being randomly initialized, but typical classification errors can be seen below. The percentages represent the proportion of misclassified entries for each of the training, validation and test data sets.

Train:      1.05%
Validation: 3.33%
Test:       6.67%

Autovit test

Regression test running on public data collected from www.autovit.ro about used Volkswagen Golf vehicles available for resale. The test attempts to build a model for predicting the price of an old Volkswagen Golf based on attributes such as year of manufacturing, kilometrage, number of accidents, and whether the car is damaged.

The network has three layers with 5 input neurons, 12 hidden neurons, and only one output neuron (the price of the car). The hidden layer is activated using functions.sigmoid and the output layer is simply functions.identity. The identity function is used for the output layer to allow the output value (the price) to be unbounded. The error is measured using functions.mean_absolute_error.

Troubleshooting (make doc on macOS)

Running the make doc command on macOS may cause Sphinx to throw an exception: ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8. The problem can be fixed by adding the following two lines in your ~/.bash_profile file:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

After saving the file you run the following in your terminal to apply the changes:

source ~/.bash_profile