
Full stack card game server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full stack multiplayer card game

The what...

A simple, yet versitile multiplayer game that gives users a set of deck cards and the functions to do anything they want with them.

The why...

There are simmilar ones out there, but they aren't very user friendly and I feel like I can add more advanced functionality like custom games, macro functions and scoreboards.

The how...

Giving users the functionality to perform basic card tasks such as dealing, shuffling and hiding cards; they can play a huge array of card games without having to switch applications.

Development Log...

To test...

  • What happens when a player leaves at each stage?
  • Do more than 2 users cause problems

To fix...

  • "[object, object] has joined" logs client side when a user logs in
  • "undefined disconnected" logs server side at random
  • All players unreadying stops the timer, but one player unreadying doesn't
  • Blind cards not appearing when delt to other players, nothing in log
  • Blind cards still show when too many cards have been delt
  • Game names currently include any special characters

To do...

General App

  • Can I use express routing?
  • Integrate MongoDB for saving user info
  • Create new account
  • All users loggedin = false when server resets
  • Okta Auth?

Login Page

  • Vet for invalid login info
  • Give some explanation as to how the app works
  • Check for duplicate login info
  • Create new login and sign in

Pre Lobby Page

  • Need a place to create games - Client side
  • Server needs to process validate request and create room for game
  • Client needs to process create game server response
  • List of active games to join just a place holder, needs to update
  • Game list needs to display locked games
  • Game list needs to display accurate player count
  • Clicking on games needs to send join request to server with a password if required
  • Server needs to process join request check password
  • Client needs to process join request response from server
  • Client leaving game needs to be reflected serverside
  • Empty games need to close and be removed from gameList
  • Client needs to be able to refresh game list

Lobby Page

  • Style
  • Messages emit to all users, currently just sender
  • Ready status emit to all users, currently just user that is ready
  • Game start countdown needs to reset scroll to lowest on message board
  • Lobby message board timestamps and user input
  • Ready currently set as room across all gameRooms, needs to be gameRoom specific

Game Page

  • Style
  • Find a set of card image files to use
  • Create a table space for active cards
  • Players need positions that are visible
  • Dealer chip needs to move around players
  • Player cards need to be visible, but blind to other players
  • Play card function
  • Cards only play to player that payed them
  • Cards can be played from gameboard
  • Keep message board constant between lobby and game page
  • Actions need to be visible for all players