
ttgo t-watch 2020 simple retro watch with long battery life, default in light sleep. Simple time/date/battery screen, and a couple api connects.

Primary LanguageC++

Repository name - WakeupFromSensor2

Author - experienced dad and programmer, new to Arduino, C++, got a couple ttgo 2020s for my 12 yo son and me. We like the retro look. A flick of the wrist wakes up the watch from light sleep. Battery lasts all day. While awake, if screen is touched, Wifi connection updates time, then displays weather in a text readout, then back to sleep

Instructions if you are new to Arduino:
1. Create a New Folder named WakeupFromSensor2, put all of the repository files in it (.ino and .h files)
2. Open the folder and launch WakeupFromSensor2.ino in the Arduino IDE.
3. DETAILS here --> config.h, to connect to wifi and check weather, replace the 4 placeholder variables with your info, see comments for details

Video demo

strengths - sleep and wake functions, light-weight state management
weaknesses - err checking, compartmentalizing / reusing code, data-types..need to use more char's

vvv--I'm using bits of code from these brilliant folks and helpful resources--vvv

The "official" watch library

Fonts to support glyphs and latin characters--no line wrapping fn however
In the ttgo library, it's in examples > U8g2_for_TFT_eSPI > Unicode

Dan Geiger's watch code

DIY Projects - Fr / En

J Hershey's OpenWeatherOneCall library

WF Dudley - t-watch 2020

Bald Engineer - the F() Macro explained

Date time formatting in C++

Data types in C++