
Generates HTML specification pages based on RDF vocabularies.

Primary LanguagePythonEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

Deze repository is een onderdeel van het initiatief Open Standaarden voor Linkende Organisaties (OSLO). Meer informatie is terug te vinden op de OSLO productpagina.

Deze repository bevat de source code voor een conversie tool die technische OSLO specificaties in het Resource Description Framework (RDF) omzet naar het mensleesbare HTML pagina's die gepubliceerd worden op https://data.vlaanderen.be/. Deze tool kan ook lokaal geïnstalleerd worden voor testing en hergebruik.


OSLO-SpecificationGenerator is a CLI to generate HTML specifications from RDF vocabularies.

Table of Contents


OSLO-SpecificationGenerator is a Python package to generate HTML documentation for RDF Vocabularies.


OSLO-SpecificationGenerator is best installed and used within a Python virtualenv.



virtualenv my-env
cd my-env

. bin/activate   # Linux
Scripts\activate # Windows

git clone https://github.com/InformatieVlaanderen/OSLO-SpecificationGenerator.git
cd OSLO-SpecificationGenerator
pip install -r requirements.txt


Leave out the --output option to write to stdout instead of a file.

List all options with their explanation

./specgen/generate_vocabulary.py --help

Add contributors to a vocabulary RDF

./specgen/generate_vocabulary.py --add_contributors --csv {csv_path} --csv_contributor_role_column {column} --rdfd {vocabulary_rdf_path} --output {output_file_path}

Generating vocabulary HTML specification from RDF

./specgen/generate_vocabulary.py --rdf {rdf_path} --output {output_file_path}

Generating application profile in HTML from an AP CSV

In this repository only a Dutch template is available.

The AP CSV needs be converted from an Enterprise Architect file (.eap) using the Enterprise Architect RDF Conversion Tool.

To use another template, use the --schema_folder option to specify the folder containing your templates. See the section on other schemes for more information.

./specgen/generate_vocabulary.py --ap --title {ap_title} --name {ap_name} --csv {csv_path} --csv_contributor {csv_contributor_path} --output {output_file_path}

Generating a (basic) application profile from RDF

In this repository only Dutch application profiles are supported.

./specgen/generate_vocabulary.py --ap --title {ap_title} --rdf {path} --csv_contributor {csv_contributor_path} --output {output_file_path}

Generating a JSON-LD context file from an AP CSV

.generate_jsonld.py --input {csv_path} --output {output_file_path}


Setting up a Development Environment

Same as installing a package. Use a virtualenv. Also install developer requirements:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Available Templates

All commands use a default template, this default can be overridden using the --schema parameter.

The templates can be found in the templates folder. Additionally, on can specify an additional (external) folder containing templates using the --schema_folder parameter.

Templates use the Jinja2 library.

Bugs and Issues

All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.
