
Vagrant based installation of UnifiedViews2.0.1

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant ReadMe


This will build the vagrant machine for the 2.0.1 version of the UnifiedViews packages.

Before Starting

Download “ojdbc7.jar” from the Oracle site [1].It is to be placed in the directory with the VagrantFile (once cloned).

[1] http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/jdbc-drivers-12c-download-1958347.html

Building the Vagrant Machine for Unified Views 2.0.1

On the command line:

Then to make sure the GUI interface is usable from the virtual machine

  • vagrant halt
  • vagrant up

Then it should be possible to use the virtual machine

  • Login password: vagrant
  • Select the iceweasel web-browser
  • access http://localhost:28080/unifiedviews

    Login account : admin Login password : test

  • Unifiedviews functions should then be accessible.

Development Environment Included

In the /vagrant environment, the Plugin-DevEnv is also cloned from the git repository. The DevEnv has been installed, so the following should work.

cd /vagrant
mvn archetype:generate
--> 1351 is the eu.unifiedviews archetype
--> Fill in other values as required for your-project
cd your-project
mvn package

The result of this will be a package which can be imported into UnifiedViews.

More details: DPU Creation Tutorial


  • Depending on the underlying system, it seems that the network connections settings sometimes cause problems (halt, wait a while and up again, normally clears the problem).
  • some freezes have been observed.