
Combine with MVVM for UIKit / SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwift

Combine with MVVM for UIKit / SwiftUI

A practical example project with fetching tweet

This is refactoring another Combine tutorial which you can find here on the youtube cannel of Lets build that app: LINK: https://youtu.be/OOpScVcXS10

What is used in the demo:

  • use MVVM to prevent the massive ViewController problem
  • integrate the STTwitter API with Combine by using Future publishers for ad-hoc callbacks
  • write functions that create publishers with AnyPublisher and eraseToAnyPublisher
  • create data streams with Decode and Catch errors
  • use CurrentValueSubject and @Published to pass values into data streams
  • write a complex data stream to fetch tweets with SwitchToLatest
  • use resource management tools in Combine like debounce and removeDuplicates