
Swift Language Weather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 5.

Primary LanguageSwift

Weather App - Final (Harvard, CS50) Project

This app is the final project of the Harvard course CS50. The application allows you to receive weather data from your current location. Before launching an application, a notification is displayed on the phone allowing you to use the device with the application.

What is Weather ?

Weather is a simple app that displays weather in Swift.
I saw a lot of tutorials on the web, that shows very basic feature of Swift.
I tried to combine all of them in one simple app to demonstrate how Swift works.
It shows asynchronous data fetch, binding and how to build user interfaces with Swift.

Dark Sky

Weather uses the Dark Sky API to fetch weather data. To run this app, you'll need a Dark Sky API key.
This is entirely free. To do so :

  1. Create your account here and get your Dark Sky API key.
  2. Open the project, and go to the NetworkManager.swift file.
  3. Replace static let darkSky: String = "" by your key.




  • xCode Version 11.6 (11E708)
  • iOS 10.15.5 (19F101)
  • Swift 5


This app was made by me, Pavel Maximenko.
If you want to contact me, you can send me DM on LinkedIn.