
Task scheduling and management for commercial cleaning. This was a prototype for a client that abandoned the project. If you're in the commercial property space and would like to pursue this codebase, let me know. I have 5+ years in the commercial cleaning space and would love to bring this app to property management or janitorial/facility maitenance companies.

Primary LanguageRuby

For OS X dev:
1.) Install testing suite if you'd like
		> bundle install # this will install the test gems (RSpec)
		> rails generate rspec:install
	Install autotesting if you'd like:
		> gem install autotest -v 4.4.6
		> gem install autotest-rails-pure -v 4.1.2
		> gem install autotest-fsevent -v 0.2.4 # (make sure dev tools/xcode is installed!)
		> gem install autotest-growl -v 0.2.16
	Create the autotest file:
		> mate .autotest
	and add the following to '.autotest' file:
		> require 'autotest/growl'
		> require 'autotest/fsevent'
	Remove the spec folders:
		> git rm -r spec/views