Learn NextJS - Notes

Section 6: Work List Page

  • Render work list via Pagination / Infinity Scroll
  • Search by title
  • Filter by category

06-09 Show hide menu based on login status

  1. Config route list to specify which menu requires login
  2. Render route list based on login status
  3. Integrate with login and test

06-10 add type definition for useAuth

  • Target to have type suggestion when using profile from useAuth()
  • TIP: Organize Imports (Option + Shift + O)

06-11 save logged in user info

Current flow:

  1. On init: useAuth with default data = undefined
  2. Call API profile and update data = logged in user

Updated flow:

  1. Save user's info to local storage if login successfully
  2. On init: useAuth with default data = user info from local storage
  3. Call API profile and update data = logged in user
  4. Remove local storage if logout

key: user_info

Unexpected cases handling:

  • What if fetch profile failed?

06-12 Text content did not match. Server: "Blog" Client: "Works"


  1. Server side generate HTML (A) and send to client
  2. Client get HTML (A) to display on UI and download JS in the background
  3. Once JS downloaded, it will be executed. Hydration process take place and generate a new DOM (B). Then it try to match B and A and attach event listener to it.

If A = B --> OK If A <> B --> Show error text content did not match


  • Make sure the first render on client side should be the same with server side.
  • Use client side rendering via dynamic feature of NextJS (not SEO friendly)


06-13 fix issues from video of 06-10 + 06-12

  • Can't change tsconfig from jsx: preserve to jsx: react
  • Can safely remove React import due to this post
  • Can't use named export with ssr: false --> change to use default import instead


06-14 show login error

  • Mock response to return Error instead of success
  • How to extract error body from API response
    • Throw error response in axios interceptor
    • Retrieve error message in catch statement
    • Do whatever you want with the message (show toast, log, report error, ...)
    • add react-toastify package
    • toast error message

Ref: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript

06-15 work list api

06-16 setup work api

  • add work-api.ts
  • add type definition for work api: ListResponse, ListParams
  • call API and log data on component
export interface Pagination {
	_page: number
	_limit: number
	_totalRows: number

06-17 setup useWorkList hook

  • update Pagination type: _total to _totalRows
  • update swr lib to latest v2.1.2
  • implement useWorkList() hook using useSWR()
  • try to use the hook in component

06-18 Work List UI

  • Show Work List UI
  • demo decouple interval
  • List State
    • Loading
    • No data
    • Has data

06-19 Work List UI - Add loading skeleton

  • Component: <Skeleton /> docs
  • Update <WorkList /> to show loading status

06-20 Work List UI - Pagination

  • Using Component <Pagination /> docs
  • Integrate our API response with Pagination component
  • Disable Prev / Next when page is at min / max.
export default function PaginationControlled() {
  const [page, setPage] = React.useState(1);
  const handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<unknown>, value: number) => {

  return (
    <Stack spacing={2}>
      <Typography>Page: {page}</Typography>
      <Pagination count={10} page={page} onChange={handleChange} />

06-21 Work List UI - Search

  • Add <WorkFilters /> component (clone from <LoginForm />)
    • take care of all filters: search, categories select, ...
    • take initial value to set default value for each filter
  • Support externalOnChange for <InputField />
  • Add debounce on search change
  • Log form submission value
  • Log data received at page-level component

PageA: control form submit logic |__ WorkFilters: manage filters form and notify parent via callback if any changes | |__ InputField: search | |__ SelectField: category select

PageB: control form submit logic |__ WorkFilters: manage filters form and notify parent via callback if any changes | |__ InputField: search | |__ SelectField: category select

06-22 Work List UI - Sync filters to URL

Current flow: refetch work list whenever filters state changes Current flow: when filters change --> update state (setFilters)

New flow: refetch work list whenever router query changes New flow: when filters change --> update router query

  • remove filters state
  • using Shallow Routing
  • how to set default values for WorkFilters
  • how to ignore the first render with empty query?
  • fixed: API resolved without sending a response for /api/works?_page=1&_limit=3, this may result in stalled requests.

06-23 Work List UI - Performance Insights

  • Goal: will show page loading by default (both on server and client)
  • Using tool: Performance Insights


  1. Server return a HTML A
  2. Client render first time B - router.isReady = false, router.query = undefined
  3. Client render second time - router.isReady = true, router.query = data
    display: 'inline-block',
    width: '100%',
    mt: 2,
    mb: 1,
    verticalAlign: 'middle', // fix layout shift

06-24 - AutocompleteField P1

A Form Control includes 2 main parts:

  • UI control
  • Bind form state to UI control (react-hook-form) --> integrate with form logic

  • Add Autocomplete UI control
  • Show it on UI to see how it looks like
  • Add new component: AutocompleteField (cloned from InputField)

06-25 - AutocompleteField P2

  • Add type definition for AutocompleteField
  • Add new key to WorkFiltersPayload: tagList_like
  • Add generic type for InputField
  • Add generic type for AutocompleteField

06-26 - AutocompleteField P3

  • Integrate with react hook form control
  • Binding form state: onChange, onBlur, ref, value, error

06-27 - Populate data tag list to AutocompleteField

  • add new api file: api-client/tag-api.ts GET: /api/tags?_page=1&_limit=30

  • new hook file: hooks/use-tag-list.ts

  • Populate data to AutocompleteField

06-28 - Filter work list by multiple tags selection

  • filter works by tags (either tag1 or tag2 or tag3): GET /api/works?_page=1&_limit=10&tagList_like=tag1|tag2|tag3
  • transform form data into api payload
const formData = { search: '', selectedTagList: ['Design', 'Dashboard'] }

// 1. turn selectedTagList into tagList_like (array to string using join())
// 2. remove unused attr selectedTagList
const apiPayload = { search: '', tagList_like: 'Design|Dashboard' }
  • set initial value for auto complete field

06-29 - Infinity scroll - useWorkListInfinity() hook

  • Demo idea via behance.net
  • Clone works/index.tsx page into works/infinity-scroll.tsx
  • Remove pagination approach / change to new hook
  • Implement new hook useWorkListInfinity() using useSWRInfinite() from SWR
  • Add new lib: qs to parse query


  • Clone page
  • Change data source by new hook
  • Convert new data to workList
  • Pass worklist to
  • Handle load more

06-30 - Infinity scroll - binding work list data

  • handle enabled params in the hook
  • Convert new data to workList
  • Pass worklist to
  • Add simple load more

06-31 - Infinity scroll - auto load more

  • yarn add react-intersection-observer
import React from 'react';
import { useInView } from 'react-intersection-observer';

const Component = () => {
  const { ref, inView, entry } = useInView({
    /* Optional options */
    threshold: 0,

  return (
    <div ref={ref}>
      <h2>{`Header inside viewport ${inView}.`}</h2>

Section 7: Add Edit Work Form

  • Setup Page / Form
  • Rich Text Editor control
  • Form Validation

07-01 - Intro and setup page

  • Setup works/[workId].tsx - AddEditWorkPage
  • Detect Add or Edit mode

07-02 - Call details API if edit mode

  • Add new hook: hooks/use-work-details.ts
  • Integrate the new hook into AddEditWorkPage, make sure it only calls in edit mode

07-03 - Setup WorkForm

  • Add new form: components/work/work-form.tsx
  • Show form on Page
  • Add title control:
  • Add shortDescription control:

07-04 - WorkForm - tagList

  • Add tagList control:
  • Validation array of string

07-05 - WorkForm - Setup PhotoField

  • New form control: <PhotoField />
    • UI: preview image + upload file (hidden) + error message
    • Data: { file: File, previewUrl: string }
    • Logic:
      • init show previewUrl || default placeholder
      • onChange: update data
  • Setup PhotoField and handle onChange

07-06 - WorkForm - Validate thumbnail control

  • Custom validation logic via yup.test()
  • 1MB = 1024 * 1024 Bytes (MB -1024-> KB -1024-> BYTES)
  • Limit upload file less than 3MB
  • Conditional validation, required when add, optional when edit

07-07 - EditorField - install React Quill

  • Build failed bugfix: photo-field.tsx value?.previewUrl --> value?.['previewUrl']
  • React Quill Github
  • Add new form control: EditorField
  • Fix issue that React Quill not able to render on server side via dynamic ssr: false
yarn add react-quill

07-08 - EditorField - modules & formats

  • React Quill Modules

    • Toolbar: show / hide controls + custom handlers
    • Keyboard: key binding in a context
    • History: undo, redo
    • Clipboard: copy / paste / cut between quill and other apps
    • Syntax: highlight for code block
  • React Quill Formats

    • Default to enable all
    • Define a list of enable some only
    • Allow to add custom format
const modules = {
  toolbar: {
    container: [
      [{ 'header': [1, 2, false] }],
      ['bold', 'italic', 'underline','strike', 'blockquote'],
      [{'list': 'ordered'}, {'list': 'bullet'}, {'indent': '-1'}, {'indent': '+1'}],
      ['link', 'image'],
    handlers: {
      image: imageHandler,

const formats = [

07-09 - EditorField - value & onChange

Deltas or HTML?

Option 1: use HTML

  • Init with HTML string from fullDescription
  • onChange --> update HTML string
  • render: use HTML string to render on UI

Option 2: use Deltas

  • Init with Deltas object
  • onChange --> get full deltas object and update to form state
  • render: need to convert from Deltas to HTML first

--> prefer to go with option 1 if no special reason to use Deltas.

Read more about React Quill Props

07-10 - EditorField - forwardedRef

  • why we need to get editorRef? --> to get current selection index to insert image
  • can we just use ref directly? --> let's debug to see

getSelection() : Returns the current selection range, or null if the editor is unfocused.

07-11 - EditorField - cloudinary upload widget

  1. Setup cloudinary - upload preset
  2. Import widget script from src: https://widget.cloudinary.com/v2.0/global/all.js
  3. Setup upload widget and save to ref
  4. When user click image --> open the widget from ref
  5. Handle image function: must be a static function, otherwise it may have error
  6. Get current selection: quill.getEditorSelection()
  7. Insert image: https://quilljs.com/docs/api/#insertembed

07-12 - Form - handle update submit

  • Intro to update work API
  • API work-api: Implement work add / update API
  • hook use-work-details: Add update function useWorkDetails() hook
  • Form level work-form: Transform form values --> payload to submit API
  • Page level [workId]: handle form submission for update

07-13 - Form - handle add submit

  • fix issue that cloudinary widget not ready
    • root cause: init add form but cloudinary not ready
    • solution: retry if failed (0.5 - 1s)
  • hook use-add-work: Implement new hook useAddWork() hook
  • Form level: same with update
  • Page level [workId]: handle form submission for add mode

07-14 - Require login for add / update page

  • Allow to config at page-level: require login or not
  • Update to receive new props: requireLogin
  • Use replace instead of push for login redirect
  • Only show Add button if user is logged in
  • Fix blinking issue between add and edit mode

07-15 - Redirect back to the page trigger login

  1. Before redirect to login page, encode current path and attach to URL query params back_to
  2. Once login successfully, extract back_to from query params --> redirect to it


  • Need to encode to avoid easily change back_to URL (btoa)
  • Need to escape special character on URL (encodeURIComponent)
const path = '/works?_page=1&_limit=3'

// encode
const base64 = window.btoa(path)
const safeStringOnURL = encodeURIComponent(base64)
// decode
const base64 = decodeURIComponent(safeStringOnURL)
const path = window.atob(base64)

Section 8: Work details Page

08-01 - Intro and setup page

  • Add Edit Page: /works/:workId/index
  • Details Page: /works/:workId/details
  • Not required login to view
  • Bind click event for work item (WorkCard.tsx)

08-02 - Fetch data and render UI

  • Fetch data on server
  • Render rich text content (HTML string) from API

08-03 - Sanitize HTML string

  • Add new package: yarn add sanitize-html github
  • Use default options, but you can customize the way you want.

08-04 - Add edit button + fix build failed

  • Fix build failed due to type error of @types/sanitize-html ref
    • RUN yarn add --dev typescript@latest
    • RUN yarn add --dev eslint@latest
  • Add edit button to details page, only show if logged in
  • Add back_to param when click on Login item (header-desktop)