Spring Payments

Version 1.0

  • Starter code for Spring Payments
  • Credit Cards Payment Page (HTML/ThymeLeaf)
  • No Controller Logic

Version 1.1

  • Added JPA Support to persist Payments
  • Implemented Controller with View Data Bindings
  • Using H2 DB at http://localhost:8080/h2-console
  • Form Validation Errors output on Console Only

Version 1.2

  • This is a copy of Spring Payments 1.1 with MySQL instead of H2

Version 2.0

  • Added Integration with CyberSource Payments Gateway
  • Form Validation Errors listed at end of Payments Page

Version 2.1

  • This is a copy of Spring Payments v2.0 with AspectJ Tracing
  • See: TraceMe.java and TracingAspect.java