
Trouble reading 2 Wiegand Instances in one Code

Opened this issue · 2 comments

mxf14 commented

Hi Guys,

I implemented 2 wiegand card readers on 1 arduino. I use polling for both.
The issue I face is that if both wiegand instances are polling, then I get message length errors on both and I am not able to read the card IDs.
If I comment out one or the other polling functions it works for 1 of the readers.
Any ideas?
Here is the code (with wiegand1 instance polling disabled, so wiegand0 instance works):
#include <Wiegand.h>

#define PIN_WIEG0_D0 2
#define PIN_WIEG0_D1 3
#define PIN_WIEG1_D0 10
#define PIN_WIEG1_D1 11

Wiegand wiegand0;
Wiegand wiegand1;

void setup() {

//Install listeners and initialize Wiegand reader
wiegand0.onReceive(receivedData, "Card 0 read: ");
wiegand0.onReceiveError(receivedDataError, "Card 0 read error: ");
wiegand0.onStateChange(stateChanged, "Card 0 State changed: ");
wiegand0.begin(26, true);
wiegand1.onReceive(receivedData, "Card 1 read: ");
wiegand1.onReceiveError(receivedDataError, "Card 1 read error: ");
wiegand1.onStateChange(stateChanged, "Card 1 State changed: ");
wiegand1.begin(26, true);

//initialize pins as INPUT
pinMode(PIN_WIEG0_D0, INPUT);
pinMode(PIN_WIEG0_D1, INPUT);
pinMode(PIN_WIEG1_D0, INPUT);
pinMode(PIN_WIEG1_D1, INPUT);

void loop() {

/************** Wiegand Handlers ****************/

void pollRfidReaders(){
// Checks for pending messages

// Check for changes on the the wiegand input pins


void stateChanged(bool plugged, const char* message) {
Serial.println(plugged ? "CONNECTED" : "DISCONNECTED");

void receivedData(uint8_t* data, uint8_t bits, const char* message) {
Serial.print("bits / ");
//Print value in HEX
uint8_t bytes = (bits+7)/8;
for (int i=0; i<bytes; i++) {
Serial.print(data[i] >> 4, 16);
Serial.print(data[i] & 0xF, 16);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) lastRxData[i] = data[i];
newRxRfid = true;

void receivedDataError(Wiegand::DataError error, uint8_t* rawData, uint8_t rawBits, const char* message) {
Serial.print(" - Raw data: ");
Serial.print("bits / ");

//Print value in HEX
uint8_t bytes = (rawBits+7)/8;
for (int i=0; i<bytes; i++) {
    Serial.print(rawData[i] >> 4, 16);
    Serial.print(rawData[i] & 0xF, 16);




Hey @mxf14 I've also encountered something similar to this.
Did you end up figuring it out?

I've plugged two HID readers (an iClass and a Prox) into an Arduino Uno and set it to use polling.
However when I do the iClass reader seems to always provide inconsistent data reads.

For example, this is it reading the same 35 bit card with two readers attached:

18:26:10.421 -> iClass 29bits / 03318AF9
18:26:12.044 -> iClass 31bits / 198C57C3
18:26:13.204 -> iClass 27bits / 01331BF3
18:26:14.504 -> iClass 30bits / 06C62BC3
18:26:50.412 -> iClass 32bits / 198C57C3

However the prox reader seems to always return the right value, even when both readers are attached.

18:30:23.396 -> Prox 26bits / 00E20748
18:30:24.790 -> Prox 26bits / 00E20748
18:30:25.577 -> Prox 26bits / 00E20748

This is the sketch.

#include <Wire.h>
#include <DFRobot_RGBLCD.h>
#include <Wiegand.h>

#define PROX_PIN_D0 2
#define PROX_PIN_D1 3

#define ICLASS_PIN_D0 4
#define ICLASS_PIN_D1 5

Wiegand wiegandProx;
Wiegand wiegandIclass;

void setup() {
  wiegandProx.onReceive(receivedDataIclass, "Prox ");
  wiegandIclass.onReceive(receivedData, "iClass ");

  wiegandProx.onReceiveError(receivedDataError, "iClass ");
  wiegandIclass.onReceiveError(receivedDataError, "Prox ");

  wiegandProx.onStateChange(stateChanged, "Prox ");
  wiegandIclass.onStateChange(stateChanged, "iClass ");

  wiegandProx.begin(Wiegand::LENGTH_ANY, false);
  wiegandIclass.begin(Wiegand::LENGTH_ANY, false);

  pinMode(ICLASS_PIN_D0, INPUT);
  pinMode(ICLASS_PIN_D1, INPUT);
  pinMode(PROX_PIN_D0, INPUT);
  pinMode(PROX_PIN_D1, INPUT);

void loop() {


Changing which pins are for which reader (and running .flush() for each) seems to have no impact.
The prox reader always returns correct data, and the iClass incorrect.

I'm going to do a test of setting on up via interrupt, and one polling, to see if that works differently.

I'm going to do a test of setting on up via interrupt, and one polling, to see if that works differently.

This worked, I reliably got both readers working when I put 1 (the iClass) into interrupt mode and the other into polling.

I don't know enough about Arduino hardware, but a theory I have is that it's something to do with the speed of digitalRead() polling within the loop vs interrupt.

Possibly even the iClass reader I have is slightly slower at transmitting data?