- 1
- 1
different ESP32 models
#36 opened by NiKola-it - 0
- 0
Get the Code in Binary or in Dec
#34 opened by gewhjhfkgad - 5
Not only read, but write
#26 opened by aleferher - 1
- 2
How to make a Wiegand Keypad work ?
#33 opened by MetriciRO - 12
Continuation wiegand keypad support
#9 opened by ChrisFredriksson - 16
support for wiegand keyboards
#4 opened by dmsherazi - 3
Beware of any potential delay between reading bits
#22 opened by ilg - 2
- 3
Wiegand 32-bit support
#25 opened by pasleto - 1
- 1
- 3
Not working but reader works on Pi
#28 opened by bigdavelamb - 5
The ability to connect two devices
#23 opened by Jeszpy - 2
Trouble reading 2 Wiegand Instances in one Code
#20 opened by mxf14 - 0
Mix interrupts and polling
#24 opened by lohenzoo - 0
Unable to figure out how to use the incoming badge code in an if statement
#21 opened by CoarsePiglet - 2
Unsupported message format
#19 opened by irkami - 4
Compiling in esphome/platformio
#18 opened by pashdown - 1
Mutiple intances
#17 opened by s6carlo - 5
Card read error: Unsupported message format
#16 opened by 8483 - 1
is possible LED control?
#14 opened by joztoz - 2
Correct flush delay for 5 wiegand instances
#15 opened by tripoyi - 4
4 or 8 bit wiegand support ?
#10 opened by Netoperz - 6
- 2
Card Number to String ....
#13 opened by clydde - 9
ID tar number reverse!
#11 opened by clydde - 3
cannot compile esp 32
#6 opened by Netoperz - 1
Unable to copile
#5 opened by skipzoid - 1
How I get the wiegand code
#8 opened by theorangewill - 2
Reboot loop
#3 opened by nardev - 2