
Semistructured merge tool for java applications.

Primary LanguageJava


[Build Status] (https://travis-ci.org/guilhermejccavalcanti/jFSTMerge)


Copyright (c) 2016 by the Federal University of Pernambuco.

A semistructured merge tool for Java applications.

Contact Guilherme Cavalcanti <gjcc@cin.ufpe.br>.


This project uses Gradle to manage all dependencies and versioning.


Execute the jar from the /installer folder. After installed, the tool is automatically integrated with git, with no need for futher configurations. That is, every time you call the "git merge" command, the tool will be executed. You can also use the tool standalone as described bellow.


Use the jar from the /binary folder or from the installed folder.

  • Merging 3 files:

    java -jar pathto/jFSTMerge.jar -f "mine" "base" "theirs" -o "output"

Where mine, base, theirs and output are filepaths. The attribute -o is optional, if omitted, theirs will be used as output file.

  • Merging 3 directories:

    java -jar pathto/jFSTMerge.jar -d "mine" "base" "theirs" -o "output"

Where mine, base, theirs and output are directory paths. The attribute -o is optional, if omitted, theirs will be used as output directory.