
Disable Newsletter Subscription Success Email. Usually, the people create this email on the marketing side(Klaviyo, Mailchimp), but the option to disable this email is not available by default on Magento/Adobe Commerce

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Magento 2 Disable Newsletter Subscription Success Email
Magento 2 Disable Newsletter Success Email Stable Version Magento 2 Disable Newsletter Success Email Version

How does it works?

Disable Newsletter Subscription Success Email. Usually, the people create this email on the marketing side(Klaviyo, Mailchimp), but the option to disable this email is not available by default on Magento/Adobe Commerce


Via Composer

Install using Composer.

composer require pauloharaujos/magento2-disable-newsletter-email
php bin/magento module:enable PHAS_DisableNewsletterEmail
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

How to use

Access your Magento Admin Panel, then navigate to Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Customers -> Newsletter -> Subscription Options -> Disable Newsletter Confirmation Email Success

Paulo Henrique Araujo da Silva