paulohbsimoes's Following
- ailsonjrDesenvolvedor de assistente virtuais
- albertosca
- amzotelliCuritiba, PR
- caironoleto@betrybe
- danimuller20Florianópolis - SC - Brazil
- douglasCajueiroTrybe
- edibertooliveiraAccenture
- filipececconGuarulhos, SP - Brazil
- gaearon@bluesky-social
- hugoleonardodevBelo Horizonte - MG/Brazil
- icaroharryToptal Core Team
- JasperKentUK
- jeanpsv@betrybe
- JefersonSchimuneck@d3estudio
- kentcdodds@epicweb-dev
- lauroandrade@betrybe
- leandropiassettaFlorianópolis,SC,Brazil
- lfavilaPorto Alegre, RS - Brasil
- lucassneivaBrazil
- LudillyBelo Horizonte, MG
- MarcelaSouza1995@beTrybe @accenture
- matheusinacio7Sitemate
- MaxwellHarrissWashington, D.C.
- mcollina@platformatic
- miguelbrnNuageIt
- Pietra-SantosCI&T
- rafaelmaltezTrybe
- RitaJeveauxFullStack Web Development
- rodolfo-code
- roziscodingLemon Energia
- sdayubeScholars of Finance
- SherlyAmorimVila Velha - ES
- stephentoubMicrosoft
- taniarasciaChicago
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- VitorLuizC@maissimples