
Stencila Hub

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Coverage Maintainability Updates License

Stencila is an open source platform for authoring, collaborating on, and sharing data driven documents. This is the repository for the Stencila Hub. The Hub is the gateway to using Stencila on the web. The Hub allows users to access the full functionality of Stencila without having to configure anything on their local machines.


Stencila Hub is implemented using Django, Node.js, Nginx and Docker (with the latter two being crucial for the Hub to cooperate with Stencila Cloud).

The projects in Stencila Hub can be created by adding files from multiple sources (:sparkles: under development :sparkles:) and in multiple formats. The conversion between the formats is achieved by using Stencila Converters which can be used as an inependent command line tool.

The interactive code cells in the documents and sheets in Stencila Hub projects can be executed thanks to Stencila Cloud where hosts for execution contexts sit in Docker containers on a Kubernetes Cluster.


Stencila Hub consists of three roles: director, editor and router. Each of these roles can be set up for development separately. That is, you can contribute to the Hub getting these roles set up and run independently.

Note: Whilst the deployment of these roles is done in Docker Containers, you should develop in your local environment rather than in the Docker container, (which can be set up for each of these roles) because this way you will be able to preview the changes you are making in the source code.

The specifications of the roles:

  • Director - Django app containing most of the application logic.
  • Editor - Node.js server and JS client (using stencila/stencila UI) for editing.
  • Router - Nginx config that routes requests to Director and Editor.


The Director is split into three main Django “apps”: Projects, Editors, Hosts and Checkouts. Most of these are currently very lightweight but separating them into these apps is intended to encourage a higher degree of modularity and independence.


A project is a collection of documents (including text, sheets, code, data documents/files). The Django Project model is a base class for various types of projects representing collections of files stored in various locations by alternative providers (e.g. Github, Dropbox). Currently the FilesProject, representing a collection of files stored by Stencila (currently, but not necessarily, stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket), is the only Project class implemented. GithubProject, DropboxProject etc are planned.

Each Project class implements a pull(): zip method which fetches of the contents of the project and returns it as a zip archive and a push(zip) method which sends the updated contents of the project to the provider.

The semantics of pull and push may differ for different providers and different users. For example, a GithubProject.push() method may be equivalent to a Git commit + push if the user has write access to the repo, but equivalent to a fork + pull request if the user does not.


Editors are used to edit documents. The Django Editor model is a base class for various types of editors (e.g. Texture, Google Sheets). Each editor instance is actually an editor "session" (connecting to Stencila Cloud to give users access to execution contexts) and will map directly to a document (or collection of documents) for that editor class (e.g. a Google sheet).

Just like projects, each Editor class implements a push(zip) method which sends the contents of the project (which may just be a single document) to the provider (e.g. Google Docs) and a pull(): zip method which fetches the contents of the project from the editor and returns it as a zip archive. These methods will usually involve a format conversion step. For example, if the user wanted to edit a Markdown document in Google Docs, the GoogleDocEditor would implement push() and pull() methods like so:

  • push() would convert the Markdown to Word, and send the docx file to Google via the Google Drive API
  • pull() would fetch the docx via the API and convert it back to Markdown.

Conversion is done via Stencila Converters (which in turn wrap Pandoc and other useful tools).

Currently only the NativeEditor class is implemented (with Texture being used as the editor). It converts incoming files to XML (compliant with the Dar format) and sends it to the editor role (mentioned above) which provides the same editor as in Stencila Desktop.


Hosts provide execution contexts (variable namespaces within R, Python etc) within execution environments (complete, reproducible computational environments). See the draft API for a Host.

The Django Host model is a base class for various types of hosts (although there may only need to be one class, the currently implemented NativeHost since the API should be uniform). Each Host model instance is actually a host "session" and may have different queue priorities and resource consumption limits. The hosts are for example deployed on Stencila Cloud. There may be multiple hosts available at multiple locations as the Cloud can be deployed within, for example, a university cluster and the Stencila Hub will redirect the user to which ever host is closest and/or most suitable for the particular project (e.g. based on proximity to data).

Whereas the project and editor apps are mostly about hooking into alternative third party APIs, the host app requires the most development of modes and business logic (including metering of usage etc for billing).


Checkouts are a combination of a Project, an Editor and a Host. They represent a project editing and execution session; a working copy of a project. When a user “opens” a project they are creating a checkout.

Currently, a user can select which project to open but not which Editor or Host (both default to the single, native implementation). In the future, the user might be able to select where to edit a project and which host to execute it on (and/or have some defaults to select the best combination for them).

Currently, checkouts use a primitive locking (well actually just a warning) to avoid multiple editor sessions for the same project. In the future, checkouts may be collaborative ie. involving more than one user.

Development setup

If you would like to contribute to Stencila Hub, please see the developer guidelines.

Continuous integration

We use Travis as a continuous integration server. Currently, the Travis configuration will do linting, run tests and build the production Docker image. See here for the latest build and travis.yml for the configuration.


Three forms of code quality analysis are currently available.

  • make director-code runs flake8 for code style checking.

  • make director-types runs mypy for static type checking using the director/mypy.ini config file.

  • make director-docs runs pydocstyle for checks on docstrings.

Running make director-lint will perform all three checks.

We use Codeclimate for additional monitoring code quality and maintainability, beyond that provided by running the linting commands described above. See here for current status.


Test coverage reports, generated on Travis, are available on Codecov here.

Dependency updates

We use PyUp to keep track of security and regular updates to packages this repo depends upon. See here for current status and pyup.yml for the configuration. PyUp is currently configured to create an automatic pull request each week with any new updates that are necessary.