Wiki Demo Project

A super basic wiki.


Getting started

  1. git clone {repo}
  2. Install vendors
composer install
npm install
  1. Create db & populate data
php vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create
php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run 
  1. Run php web server: php -S localhost:8000 -t public
  2. Run client: npm run serve
  3. Access http://localhost:9009



This project uses sqlite for the database. The location can be found in db/database.sqlite

Simple Overview (In Development)

A rough sketch for the supposed super basic wiki project.

Index page

index page

Create page

create page

Super simple database schema

Create a reference table for the parent and child relationship for sorting out Wiki positioning.

db png


  • react-router
  • Server wildcard routing/subdomain for dynamic Wiki urls
  • Reorder of wiki/pages
  • Edit content
  • Parent and sub-wikis
  • dotenv for configurations
  • Utilize our bundler or use webpack
  • Pagination for GET requests
  • Integrate Datatables
  • (Nice to Haves) [phpcs, phpbf, phpstan, grumphp]
  • (In the future) [PHPUnit, Jest]