This is just a repo to quick access my config files when I moving to a new PC.
- Termite
- Robo3T
- Postman
- PulseEffects
- Brack Pair Colorizer 2
- ESLint
- GitLens
- Prettier
- SCSS IntelliSense
- vim-easymotion
- fzf
- ale
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-js-file-import
- lightline.vim
- vim-gutentags
- nerdtree
- fzf.vim
- gruvbox
- alsa-plugins
- alsa-utils
- dmenu
- dunst
- flameshot
- github-cli
- i3-wm
- i3blocks
- i3lock
- i3status
- nautilus
- neovim
- networkmanager
- nvm
- playerctl
- powerline-fonts
- pulseaudio-equalizer
- pulseeffects
- pulsemixer
- rofi
- snapd
- termite
- tmux
- ttf-bitstream-vera
- ttf-dejavu
- ttf-font-awesome
- ttf-twemoji-color
- ttf-ubuntu-font-family
- vim
- xclip
- yay
- zsh