
Adds page tagging functionality to Pico.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Adds page tagging functionality to Pico CMS.

Originally made by Dan Reeves, based on Pico Tags by Szymon Kaliski, but only uses the provided hooks and leaves the Pico core alone.

/!\ This plugin is for the version 2 of Pico CMS. For previous versions, you have to use this release.

PicoTags plugin gives access to:

  • the tag_list array of all used tags;
  • the tag_pages array of all pages with a given tag;
  • if on a /tag/ URL, the current_tag variable.


/!\ No matter the way you install the plugin, it's mandatory you name the plugin folder PicoTags.

Using Git

Just move to your Pico CMS plugins directory and run:

git clone https://github.com/bricebou/PicoTags


Download the latest zip archive from Github and unzip it inside a plugins/PicoTags/ folder.


The configuration of the PicoTags plugin can be put inside the config/config.yml file of your Pico installation or inside a file named as you want inside the config/ folder (for instance config_plugin_tags.yml).

Here is the conf with some explanations:

PicoTags.enabled: true
  # Do you want to sort tags (case unsensitive) ?
  # true or false
  asort: true
  # Do you want to remove from the tags list
  # the ones that are used in only one page ?
  # true or false
  delunique: true
  # Specify the Twig template to use for the tag pages
  # The file has to be inside the theme in use folder
  # You have to indicate the `.twig` extension
  # See the template section into the README.md. 
  template: tags.twig
  # This is a way to split the tag_list array in multiple arrays.
  # See the template section into the README.md for more info 
  # on how to access them.
  nbcol: 2
  # Excluding pages from the tags list based on their template.
  # It has to be a string, with the `pipe (|)` as separator.
  # You have to escape single quotes with a backslash.
  # /!\ Be careful :
  # in some cases you can obtain 404 error
  # when there is no articles to display in a tag page.
  excluded_templates: "category|supcategory"


Describing your content

You simply have to add a 'Tags' attribute into the meta of the pages you want.

/!\ Make sure the meta is capitalized: Tags: tags or TAGS won't work.

Title: LaTex and Phonetics
Description: LaTeX packages for students in linguistics
Author: Brice Boucard
Robots: index,follow
Date: 2017/10/02
Tags: LaTeX,Linguistics,package

In your templates

  • To display the tags of an article, of a page, you simply have to call the meta["Tags"] array and let Twig do the job:
    <h2>{{ meta.title }}</h2>
    <p class="meta">Tags:
        {% for tag in meta["Tags"] %}
            <a href="{{ base_url }}/tag/{{ tag|e('url') }}">#{{ tag|e }}</a>
        {% endfor %}
  • When you want to display all the pages of your site and the associated tags, here is the code you can use:
{% for page in pages %}
        <h2><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h2>
        <p class="meta">Tags:
            {% for tag in page.meta["Tags"] %}
                <a href="{{ base_url }}/tag/{{ tag|e('url') }}">#{{ tag|e }}</a>
            {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
  • Listing all the tags used in your site:
    {% for tag in tag_list %}
        <li><a href="{{ base_url }}/tag/{{ tag|e('url') }}">#{{ tag|e }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

If you have used the nbcol option (let's say, with the value 2), you can still access the tag_list array (all the tags) but also two new arrays:

    {% for tag in tag_list_0 %}
        <li><a href="{{ base_url }}/tag/{{ tag|e('url') }}">#{{ tag|e }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
    {% for tag in tag_list_1 %}
        <li><a href="{{ base_url }}/tag/{{ tag|e('url') }}">#{{ tag|e }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
  • Adding meta keywords to <head>:
{% if meta["Tags"] %}<meta name="keywords" content="{{ meta["Tags"] | join(',') }}">{% endif %}
  • Tag pages: each tag has its own page, which URL looks like example.com/tag/current_tag. You have to create a specific template (see Configuration section above in which you can simply paste this snippet in its <body>:
<h2>Posts tagged #{{ current_tag|e }}</h2>
{% for page in tag_pages %}          
        <h2><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h2>
        <p class="meta">
            <span class="tags"><br />Tags :
                {% for tag in page.meta["Tags"] %}
                    <span><a href="{{ base_url }}/tag/{{ tag|e('url') }}">#{{ tag|e }}</a></span>
                {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Note that you can paginate the results, following this blog post I made on My Own Memory Hole.