This project is a part of The SOOMLA Framework, which is a series of open source initiatives with a joint goal to help mobile game developers do more together. SOOMLA encourages better game design, economy modeling, social engagement, and faster development.
android-levelup is a library built for easily modeling game structure and user progression, and allows rapid protoyping using a standard and simplified model.
android-levelup is used only for writing LevelUp related data to an Android device storage, from game-engine related modules such as unity3d-levelup and cocos2dx-levelup. Please see the aforementioned modules to use the full capabilities of the LevelUp module.
SOOMLA appreciates code contributions! You are more than welcome to extend the capabilities of SOOMLA.
Fork -> Clone -> Implement -> Add documentation -> Test -> Pull-Request.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to contribute, please follow our Documentation Guidelines. Clear, consistent comments will make our code easy to understand.
Apache License. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 SOOMLA.