
🟢 A plugin for xBar that displays Github Actions status in your Mac OS X Menu Bar

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BitActions - Github Actions status for a specific Github repository on macOS menu bar

Inspired by Hukum BitActions is a BitBar plugin that displays Github Actions status for a specific Github repository in your Mac OS X Menu Bar. It is good for watching a regular Github workflow setup from your project, but also to allow you to filter a specific branch that you are working on in a pull request workflow.


BitActions example showing GitHub Actions status on macOS menu



Make sure you have node and npm, then run:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paulononaka/bitactions/master/install.sh | bash


Create a .bitactionsrc file in your $HOME with the following content:

    "githubToken": "<Your personal classic Git hub token. Ex: aaa_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>",
    "githubRepoName": "<You can get it from the end of the GithHub URL of the project you want to watch. Ex: acme_corporation/my_project>",
    "localRepoPath": "<Full path of your repo in your local machine. This will serve to automatically watch the branch you are. Ex: /Users/paulononaka/codes/my_project>",
    "watchBranchName": "<Branch name to watch when local branch does not have any runs on GitHub. Ex: main>",
    "statusMode": "<branch OR summary OR rotate. Ex: branch>"

After the configuration, click on xbar your on Mac OS bar and refresh it. Wait a few seconds for the first Github request and voalá. The plugin should starts working.


// Optional for public repos, required for privated ones - Your personal classic Git hub token. A forty-digit alphanumeric string.

TLTR: Follow these steps at docs.github.com to create a personal token (classic).

BitActions uses Github Actions API. It is possible to use these APIs without any authentication for public repositories. However, for unauthenticated requests, the rate limit allows for up to 60 requests per hour (Details at docs.github.com). Authenticated requests have higher limits, up to 5000 requests per hour.

The token does not need to have any specific scope for public repositories. However, the token needs to have repo - Full control of private repositories scope for private repositories.


// Required - Github repo name. Ex: acme_corporation/my_project

You can get it from the end of the GithHub URL of the project you want to watch. Ex: https://github.com/acme_corporation/my_project becomes acme_corporation/my_project.


// optional - Ex: /Users/paulononaka/codes/my_project

Say you have a workflow that triggers on: pull_request. GitHub Actions keeps one workflow for all pushed branches so the last run might not be the branch that you are working on locally, the one you really want to monitor.

Given that, set this option if you wish to watch specifics branches you are working on locally. If you set it, a submenu with the workflow will monitor this branch. If you wish the status also appears in the main Mac OS menu bar, set statusMode to branch.

Please notice that this feature uses the local branch from a local repo, so if you change the branch locally the submenu will attempt to search for that branch and if it isn't pushed yet (has no runs) it won't be displayed.


// required - Ex: main

This will be the monitored branch if you set statusMode to branch, but your local branch has no runs yet.


// Optional - branch, rotate or summary. Ex: summary

Choose how the macOS menu bar should appear in the macOS bar menu:

  • summary - Shows all workflows at once, without workflows names.


  • rotate - Rotates the workflow with its name, showing one at a time.


  • branch - Fixes the status to the branch you are working on your localRepoPath.


How it works?

BitActions uses Github Actions API to get the related workflow to the recent git push and its status. It keeps on calling the APIs every time your Xbar refreshes.


Contribution with code or documentation by raising a pull request are more than welcome! Head over to the issues tab to report any bug or suggest an improvement.