
Environment to learn Kong Gateway

Primary LanguageMakefile

Kongs lab

Environment to learn Kong Gateway

API spec example to use with Insomnia



If you want to try inso, you'll have to have Insomnia installed on your computer and set the correct value to INSOMNIA_DIR on the Makefile

  • Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for the services.

    make setup
  • Set up konga

    Step one

    Step two

    Step three


  • Create kong.yaml

    • generate kong config file
      make inso-generate-config
    • import config into kong's container
      docker-compose run --rm inso generate config spc_9e0238 > kong/data/kong.yaml 
  • Sync data into kong

    docker-compose exec kong bash
    cd app
    deck sync
  • Check if json-server is responding

    http --body localhost:8080/books

    Should output

            "author": "Agatha Christie",
            "id": 1,
            "title": "The Mysterious Murder At Styles"
  • Call json-server via proxy

    http --verbose --proxy http:http:localhost:8000 jsonserver:8080/books/1 kong-debug:1


    http --verbose localhost:8000/books/1 kong-debug:1

    Notice that the response has Kong's headers

    kong-debug:1 header adds the following info

    Kong-Route-Id: 4b3a08e5-505a-45d1-8f03-2814dc64f7e8
    Kong-Route-Name: Bookstore_Api-books-id-get
    Kong-Service-Id: 16929ea2-77d9-47c8-b134-618abcfa06d5
    Kong-Service-Name: Bookstore_Api

    Change the route's host

    http PATCH http://localhost:8001/routes/e11238c7-9143-484d-8a61-22b1368df899 hosts:='["jsonserver.localhost"]'

    Now it should work only if called as follow

    http --verbose jsonserver.localhost:8000/books/1 kong-debug:1